Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Modules - ZOX Pro Training | Speed Reading | Photoreading | Alternative Learning

ZOX Pro Module Overview

Module 1 – Introduction To The Amazing Secret Discoveries Of Richard Welch, The Father of Mental Photography PLUS Einstein’s Distraction Index

(Run Time Approximately 60 minutes)
In the first ZOX Pro Training module, Richard Welch reveals all the talents and abilities you are about to unleash from within. The introduction explains all the benefits of the ZOX Pro Training system.
Richard then leads you step by step through Albert Einstein’s “Distraction Index”, a simple but EXTREMELY effective exercise that gives you 100% laser targeted focus and concentration which can be applied to everything you do, reading, studying, problem solving.
The ZOX Pro system gives you armor against distractions. You’ll achieve more in less time.


Module 2 – How To Relax And Reduce Stress. PLUS Program Your Mind To Success In All Areas Of Your Life By Harnessing The Power Of The Secret Law Of Attraction

(Run Time approximately 20 minutes)
Richard Welch reveals to you a little known technique that dramatically increases your awareness and perception, turbo-charges your intuition, enhances your visualization abilities. All it takes is less than 2 minutes every day.

Module 3 – How To Tap Into and Heighten Your Intuition, Perception and Peripheral Vision Using A Little Known Secret Technique That You Can Do In Under 2 Minutes

(Run Time – approximately 26 minutes)
This exciting module literally gives you the keys to the kingdom!
Richard will guide you through the exact steps you need to take to re-program your sub-conscious mind, to enable you to change the things you want. Including relationships, career and time management. You will also discover how to let go of all the stress and learn how to relax more!


Module 4 – Your Introduction to Mental Photography… Discover How To Soak Up Information At 25,000+ Words Per Minute PLUS Tap Into Your Natural Photographic Memory Abilities… So You Literally Cannot Forget New Information 

(Run Time approximately 44 minutes)
Get ready to become a genius overnight!
This amazing module reveals to you the phenomenal natural learning process called Mental Photography (ZOXing).
Richard will lead you skilfully through the simple steps to mastering Mental Photography. This process opens up the neural pathways between your conscious and sub-conscious minds. This means you will be tapping into the truly UNLIMITED part of your brain! The more you use it, the more powerful you will become.

Module 5 – Steps To Rapidly Advancing Your Mental Photography Skills

(Run Time – approximately 15 minutes)
You will discover more about the Mental Photography process and will advance your skills by ‘Photographing’ new material. Remember, the more you use the process the better your results will be!
Dr Maxwell Maltz told us in his phenomenal book Psycho Cybernetics, that after doing something for 30 days it then becomes a habit. The smart people who use Mental Photography and the ZOX Pro Training system for 30 days discover that Mental Photography becomes a habit. It’s these people who reap benefits of ZOXing.

Module 6 – Mental Photography And Safe Guarding Yourself Against Subliminal Advertising

(Run Time – approximately 18 minutes)
Advertisers have been using subliminal symbols, messages and other techniques since 1954. Why? These are powerful strategies and advertisers want you to buy whatever they are selling!
This module helps you identify subliminal messages and retain them forever.


Module 7 – How To Trigger Mentally Photographed Information To Your Conscious Mind With 100 Times The Impact Of Reading

(Run Time approximately 35 minutes)
In previous modules, you have discovered how to store information in your long term memory (a part of your sub-conscious mind), with 100% retention for life, at 25,000+ word per minute (that’s fast!)
This module gives you alternative techniques for ‘triggering’ information to your conscious mind. Which means, you will know exactly what you have photographed with 90% – 95% comprehension…

Module 8
– Wrap Up And Review Of What You Have Learned, PLUS How To Get The Most Out Of The ZOX Pro Training System

(Run Time – approx 11 minutes)
In this final module Richard Welch ties everything together. He also gives you a clear path to follow to help you get the most of out of using the ZOX Pro Training system.

ZOX Pro Training | Speed Reading | Photoreading | Alternative Learning 
Shannon Panzo 
(Managing Director)
Call Us : +61400599295
Copyright © 2008 – 2014: ZOX Pro / All rights reserved

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Richard Welch, PhD – The Father of Mental Photography

CEO of Educom, Inc.

The “Father of Mental Photography”

 Founder of Brain Management

After years of testing, refining and simplifying Mental Photography, a form of hyper speed reading, and the synergistic process, then many more years of helping people globally, Dr. Richard Welch agreed it was time to present his life’s work on the Internet. ZOX Pro Training features the best parts of Richard Welch’s teachings in one easy to manage program. Mental photography or
ZOXing also gives you:
  • Elevated Whole Brain Activity – simulates the growth of dendrites* within the brain – *(Each of our 100 billion active neurons or brain cells has a cell-body or nucleus. Effectively all of these cells are present when we are born, but each can sprout up to 20,000 branches or dendrites, which grow like trees to store information – Our MEMORIES.)
  • Strengthened neural pathways – you have greater accessibility to and from your memories [both new and old] which also helps your brain and body to work together better
  • Brain Plasticity – Mental Photography provides the stimulus exceeding the Neural Plasticity threshold and triggers exponential brain growth building new brain cells, neural connections and synapse.
  • Hemispheric balancing – two sides of your brain deal with different things – the more integration you have between the 2 sides of your brain, the better you are at everything you do
  • Heightened neural communication between the conscious and the subconscious
  • More memory capacity and accesses from your old memory and new memory – better memory
  • Quicker and clearer thinking and decision making
  • Better comprehension of information
Richard Welch Explains:
Reading, Memory, and Mental Photography
Holistic applications and client experiences
Intuitive Management and Fortune 500 CEOs
The Brain Management Process
Wealth creation application
Richard’s personal advantage

Friday, August 26, 2016

Richard Welch, PhD explains MENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY ( ZOXing )

With Mental Photography - you are in control. With Mental Photography 100% of the information you upload to your brain stays with you - for the rest of your life.

 Richard Welch, PhD explains MENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY ( ZOXing ): 


Richard then leads you step by step through Albert Einstein’s “Distraction Index”, a simple but EXTREMELY effective exercise that gives you 100% laser targeted focus and concentration which can be applied to everything you do, reading, studying, problem solving.
 Exercise your brain - everything you do becomes easier

ZOX Pro Training takes speed reading to new levels and is unlike any "success" program on the market by tapping into your natural photographic memory. ZOXing enables you to conquer the vast amount of information that you must consume daily. This helps you perform better at work or school, feel more confident, enjoy less stress and have a more successful life. ZOXing gives you benefits in everything you do!

The ZOX Pro system gives you armor against distractions. You’ll achieve more in less time.
Shannon Panzo 
(Managing Director)
Call Us : +61400599295
Copyright © 2008 – 2014: ZOX Pro / All rights reserved

Monday, August 8, 2016

Speed Reading Research” Richard Welch on ZOX Pro – Photographic Memory | Speed Reading | School System Blunder 4/8

Richard Welch speaks on Mental Photography and Brain Management for schools. Leading scientists and scholars from around the world attended to hear what is shaping mankind for the world of tomorrow. Reading and speed reading is old-fashioned. The traditional school system is obsolete by the way it teaches.
Dr. Richard Welch
Father of Mental Photography

In 1992, Richard Welch, the Father of Mental Photography, speaks to the Global Sciences Congress about startling scientific breakthroughs in speed reading and accelerated learning. Anyone can learn at extremely high speeds and tap into their innate eidetic memory / photographic memory. The following video focuses on photographic reading, Mental Photography,  photographic memory, how to improve memory, reading, speed reading, dyslexia, learning disabilities, and more. The school system should implement and mandate this training to all school students. Using the photographic memory in school is smart education.

Richard Welch on ZOX Pro

Speed Reading Research

Photographic Memory

Speed Reading

School System Blunder



… About the same period of time, when these breakthroughs were taking place, we were scouring, my staff and myself, were scouring the libraries in the Phoenix area trying to find anything like this that has ever happened on the globe before, and if so what we can learn from it. We ran across the book written by an individual, an educator in the United States here by the name of Doctor Verle McBride.

Doctor McBride taught at a small college in Missouri. He actually, in 1959, had developed a system similar to what we were doing. Still called it speed reading, as we did in those days also, but had actually taken young teenage children over a hundred thousand words per minute and demonstrated it on live television on NBC, and was written up in all the Chicago papers. And he also was on Paul Harvey show several times, and got a lot of publicity.

Being an educator he tried to take it to the educational community; which is where it really belongs; in schools. And of course it was way before its time; and he was literally chastisised in everyway you could imagine and finally left alone the educational community as far as trying to get this incorporated. He did write a book….I think a beautiful title, “Damn the School System, Full Speed Ahead!”

We found this book in the Arizona State University Library. There aren’t too many copies out there. But in that book, Doctor McBride, mentioned a man by the name of Georgi Lozanov, Bulgarian scientist who developed what we call in this country, Super Learning, which by the way isn’t anything like what Lozanov deals with in Eastern Europe, and also a man by the name of Doctor Herbert Otto.

Dr. Otto, for years, he is now deceased; died in 1980, Dr. Otto for years ran the Foundation for the Advancement of Human Potential in La Jolla, California. He had a very interesting job to say the least. He literally travelled the globe either verifying or discounting advancements in human potential in a variety of different things and published results on them and so on down the line.

Well I contacted Dr. Otto, by phone, and told him what was taking place in Phoenix, what we are seeing happen and what was going on. And his initial remark to me was “Oh my God, you’ve found it!” Now I didn’t really realize what that meant at that time. As a matter fact my question back to him was what have I found? He said “Well, you found one of the most powerful forces on the face of the earth. I would rival it to any hydrogen bomb. And the reason I say that to you is that if this is used on a mass basis it can literally change societies almost overnight.” He also told me that it was every bit as powerful tool negatively as it was positively.

He wanted to know a little bit more about me, the person that had been entrusted with this particular breakthrough and my background and so on; and of the first questions he asked me was “Are you a psychologist?” I said “No.” and his answer to that was “Thank God!” He then, after we talked for a while, asked if I was in a financial position to fund the research involved with this myself and protect it completely so that it could not be out here into the wrong hands, if you will. And I said I was and he was very happy to hear that.

And in the next 15 years we did an awful lot of testing and research and development with this process, not only in Arizona State University but Stanford Research Institute of Palo Alto, California and a lot of private testing although funded by myself. And all was set up so that anyone involved in a particular segment of it. And no one was involved in all of it except myself. They had to sign forms they could never divulge the information and we have been able to protect it. The process itself is under a trade secret so that no one can duplicate in this country or Canada, and we’re now going globally with it.

This process… We have found so many things over the last few years; to date over 350 different applications for the use of the part of the brain we tapped into in 1975. It literally taps the other ninety percent of the brain that is unexplored territory. We have enormous abilities lying within us and it’s almost as if it acts as a conduit to universal knowledge; whatever is out there and available is just…there!

Astounding things happening with people utilizing this and we are now teaching the classes in a format of three hour lessons over a four-day span of time. We have learned so much about this and had spent years, in fact over five years Just simplifying, simplifying…

Topics: speed reading, photographic memory, School


Shannon Panzo 
(Managing Director)
Call US : +61400599295
Copyright © 2008 – 2014: ZOX Pro / All rights reserved

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Memory Game – What is Memory?

What is memory?

We start life with very few memories. Most of these memories trigger instinctive responses for survival when we are born. Our first meal is essential. Therefore we recognize the smell of the mother’s breast. Because this is the first memory we are using, that memory also emphasizes why our olfactory sense is the strongest and most acute of our five senses.
Amazingly, your brain memory recognizes such subtle things that many events go unnoticed until your attention is brought to them. An #Olfactory #Memory test is for you to think of how your origin smells. Everyone recognizes their approximate relationship to home based on odor.

Memory Power

Think back in your long term memory of how the soil, the loam, your surroundings smelled when you were very young. They loam of the soil contains the elements, minerals, and a plethora of chemicals. But it also contains bacteria and microorganisms unique in type and concentration. These provide a perfume that cannot be exactly duplicated anywhere else. This is your olfactory relationship to what you know as home.

Memory Game

This is a simple game we all have played. But as an easy #MemoryGame, it works well. Put a blindfold over your eyes. Have someone bring various objects (you may want to start with fruits and vegetables) and have them close enough to your nose that you can smell them. Then you say what you think it is. When you start at this, you may be amazed how many you get wrong.


There are many types of memory. Here is a list of some of them:

Conscious memory – also associated with Short term memory

Subconscious memory – also associated with Long term memory

Instinctive memorysurvival and automatic  reaction

Autonomic memory  – the memory that your brain tells your diaphragm to move so that you continue to breathe.

Short term memory – These are memories that we accrue in a short amount of time. Only with much effort, is this information remembered over a long period. At the memory learned point, it has been transferred to the long term memory.

Long term memory – These are memories that have been stored for later use. After considerable use of #ShortTermMemory, those memories will be placed into the #LongTermMemory. If you have underlying beliefs that create a barrier to your success, those memories would be in the long term memory, but not necessarily accessible.

So now you are just a little bit wiser. You know a little more about why taking steps to improve memory is important for you.

Great Things Happen Here!

 Get more details from here : ZOX Pro Training | Father of Mental Photography

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

ZOX Pro Training Benefits


Improve your life in more ways than you imagined!
Most people choose ZOX Pro Training to increase their reading speed. They soon find that ZOXing is more than a speed reading course. ZOX Pro Training helps make your life easier in so many other ways you never considered, including:
  • Enjoy renewed health and wellness of your mind and body, simply by telling your mind to do it for you. Whenever you feel stress, your body is under siege. Decrease stress = increased health and disease fighting ability. 
  • Achieve maximum concentration – reduce distraction, improve your time management!
  • Enhance your peripheral vision and eyesight. ZOXing has an exercise that help you to see more. Martial artists, sports people, policeman, firefighters, military and many other industry professionals work better with enhanced peripheral vision. ZOXing enables you to feel and be aware of everyone and everything around you. It’s like you can see 360 degrees.
  • ZOXing gives you self-empowerment. You’ll build confidence because you’ll know the answers to more questions and work smarter.
  • Reduce the amount of sleep you need. A more relaxed and deeper sleep means you wake up feeling better each day.
  • Improve your self-esteem. Increasing information helps you increase your abilities at home and work. This leads to increased knowledge, recall and self-confidence.
  • Be happier!  

Get more details here : ZOX Pro Training