Monday, February 12, 2018

What is Mental Photography | Photographic Memory | Zox Pro

Mental Photography and ZOXing

Mental Photography, or ZOXing, is a learning technique that allows you to absorb information at 100 times the average reading speed, with 100% retention for life. It is the main vehicle that generates a very strong connection between your subconscious and conscious mind. It opens a pathway to the part of your brain that has fantastic abilities, and acts as a conduit to universal energy.

Can Mental Photography Enhance Memory?

Students are tired of fruitlessly cramming for tests only to forget all they read within moments of sitting down to take the test. Other people are frustrated with their tendency to forget entire sentences and paragraphs moments after reading them. These situations desperately call for ZOX Pro Training – learningto help you realize you were born genius.
In fact, for the first 5 years of your life, Mental Photography is how you learn and store information with your eidetic memory. However, problems occur when people are taught to read. When you learn to read, the innate ability of Mental Photography, which allows you to Mentally Photograph, capture images, and even other sensations – the intense way you get information, is typically switched off. Reading does not work for everybody because it is not a natural ability, but Mental Photography is natural and can work for everyone.

Do People Really Need ZOXing?

You were born with your Mental Photography ability switched on – your eidetic memory, which you used for the first 5 years of your life. Mental Photography also raises your ability to counteract the effects of information overload, and raises the effectiveness of your eidetic memory and other learning abilities. Mental Photography is an important part of learning and must be used to exercise the functions of your brain to produce a strong, clear pathway between your conscious and subconscious mind.

Mental Photography Raises the Effectiveness of Reading

Mental Photography enhances the experience of reading. Usually, the average reading speed of a person is 250 words per minutes, but Mental Photography speed begins at 25,000 words per minute test. Within the personally attended seminars, people are tested for recall at 52,000 words per minute. However, a Mental Photographer’s words per minute test can show over 600,000 words per minute, with over 95% recall. When a reader Mentally Photographs the book before reading it, the reader will fly through the book as if they have already read it many times through. ZOXing definitely enhances the readers’ experience of reading a book. Without Mental Photography, you are barely scratching the surface of what your brain is capable of doing.

Can Anyone learn Mental Photography?

Absolutely! The fact that you rely on reading from the age of five does not make you an unsuitable candidate for learning Mental Photography and using your photographic memory. ZOX Pro presents comprehensive lessons for you to properly learn Mental Photography direct from the founders.
While exercising your brain, you will also be learning ZOX Pro Trainings’ endless attributes, uses and benefits; and you will experience them in your results during your training and afterwards. ZOX Pro is confident that learning to ZOX will empower you with knowledge and confidence for your success.
ZOX Pro Support is provided by experts. We want you to have results.

More Benefits from using Mental Photography

Mental Photography is not just limited to learning; it also opens up other amazing abilities the brain has, including:
  • Elevation of the whole brain activities – more brain power
  • Hemispheric balancing
  • Strengthening of neural pathways – neural plasticity
  • Glowing more memory – again via brain plasticity
  • Clearer and quicker thinking – clear the cobwebs
  • Dynamic subconscious and conscious communication.
For more information on learning Mental Photography / ZOXing, you can find us at

Saturday, February 3, 2018

How to get a photographic memory | ZOX Pro | Mental Photography

photographic memory is the ability to recall past events in detail as if they are happening at this moment. Most people believe it to be an exceptionally handy tool in life.
There are several photographic memory techniques that can be applied in the development of a photographic memory. Remember; when you are born you have a photographic memory, which appears to diminish as you move into adulthood.

How to develop a Photographic memory?

(The following techniques are preferred by industry experts, but they may not necessarily gain you desired results.)

After reading some information and you want to recall the facts, all you do is make a story which elucidates what you have read humorously. For instance, to retain information about the components of a computertake a mental picture of each part using a comical image.
With these images, the information is captured in your mind with all the components and their related images. A test on, “What are the parts of a PC?” is going to be quite easy because all that is needed to be remembered when writing the answers is the comical images.
(This tends to work better for visually oriented people, and having a good imagination also helps.)

Recalling of Faces…

This technique is useful when it comes to memorizing the name of an individual or their face. Go for features like the color of their hair and eyes, mouth, nose and shape of face. Then visualize their names written on their foreheads.
Recalling the faces and names of people in the mind requires a lot of practice. The more you put in into practice the more you enhance photographic memory.
(People that are not visual learners, may find this technique challenging.)


For photographic memory to be enhanced, concentration needs to be practiced. Children automatically have the superior photographic memory ability; far better than adults. The enhanced memory in children is known as “eidetic memory“, the ability to recall images, objects, sounds, even flavors, with high accuracy without the use of any memory aid device. The reason is children focus on the object of observation which makes it easier for natural recall.

How to benefit from your photographic memory :

Enrolling for training that involves your photographic memory at ZOX Pro is perhaps the most important program for anyone in any career. ZOX Pro Training has been helping people improve their lives for nearly four decades. ZOX Pro Training has trained many people around the world and is the Officially Approvedtraining for Mental Photography.
ZOX Pro members get Benefits: good decision making skills, efficiency, photographic memory / eidetic memory, time management skills, intuition and focus. More information on ZOX Pro Training can be found at – the homepage.
Regaining your photographic memory as an adult can be used in a myriad of ways to accomplish your objectives and gain success.


The human brain is very intricate. In spite of all the studies that have been carried out, it is estimated that we only know less than 10% of all that there is to know about the brain. The only thing we do know is your brain is the apex for all your activities.
Your mind is something you will have throughout your entire life. Hence, you should care for it properly and keep it fit. It must last a lifetime.
For More Info : photographic memory

Thursday, February 1, 2018

What Makes You Genius | ZOX Pro | Mental Photography

a Definition of Genius

A genius is someone who displays outstanding logical ability, ingenuity, cleverness, or inventiveness, typically related to the attainment of fresh advances in an environment of familiarity. Everyone, including you, has a special gift or ability. Your capacity or endowment is something you can do better than anybody else. In many circles, this is called genius. Other parameters that define genius are genius tests for “intelligence quotient“, or IQ tests; as they assign a mathematical value to whether you are a genius or not.
ZOX Pro Training can easily be referred to as genius training, and is the only mind training program that has lived to its promise to improve brain power for well over three decades.

Genius Bar

Apple has always been a forerunner in making their operations sound cutting edge and friendly at the same time. So, it comes of no surprise that Apple’s in-store technology support station is christened “The Genius Bar” and is sited in Apple retail storesGenius Bar is a one-stop-shop for Apple products users who have queries about their Apple software or hardwareSmart!

Raising Your Genius Bar

ZOX Pro Training is a detailed mental training system that can train your brain up to genius level and beyond. The results from IQ tests are not stamped in concrete for life. You can raise IQ considerably. ZOX Pro offers an inclusive mental training that includes their pioneered methods. ZOX Pro gives you an opening to use assured techniques to alter your life positively.

Girl Genius

From Girl Friday, become Girl Genius; you need to boost up your mental ability. An IQ test can prove to the world that you are a girl genius. ZOX Pro advocates that you speed up developing into a genius by going through and using their system. The training has several modules that teach you how to train your mind to a genius level.
Join forces with other geniuses by signing up at After using the program, your mind power improves tremendously.

Real Genius

real genius is one who conceives things and develops our understanding, familiarity, and abundance. Real geniuses nurture the human race and raises humanity to a new level. Although, most go through life as unknown, geniuses thrust into their fields and leave a deep-seated mark on the planet with their brightness, resourcefulness, and innovation – true “quiet achievers“.

Baby Genius

The mind of a baby is absolute genius. Functioning on all levels, it takes in instructions kinesthetically, intuitively and bodily, and then amalgamates and utilizes that information. A baby does that without effort or stress.
Amazingly by the age of five years, only 20% can function at baby genius level. And more strangely is that recent research has revealed that by the age of twenty, only about 2% can operate at genius level.

Do want to regain your genius mind?

Change your outcome starting today. Choose the better life at Just to point out a few of the results from ZOX Pro Training include improved capacity to sustain interpersonal relationships via self-realization and reduced stress levels. The broad association between your cognizant and intuitive mindallows you to realize efficiency in all aspects of your life.
ZOX Pro guidance and support – accelerates erudition, photographic memoryreading at light speed, genius brain capacitygenius building techniques, eidetic memory, and memory improvement. ZOX Pro improves both personal and professional pursuits of students of all ages, technicians, professionals, sports people, scientists, and all others. Truly, it is for everyone.
Visit ZOX Pro at and celebrate the extraordinary gifts you possess with ZOX Pro’s humanity enhancing genius brain training program. We look forward to seeing you there.

For More Info : Brain Management