Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Best Speed Reading is NOT Speed Reading! It’s ZOXing!

Ah, speed reading! If you’re like most people, speed reading probably conjures up romantic imagery of being able to just whip right through all kinds of wonderful books and poems and blogs and other types of documents at record speed. You want to read as fast as possible so that you can get on with the life you want to live. Sounds GREAT, doesn’t it?.
But, of course, the dream of speed reading doesn’t really reach enough people who DESPERATELY NEED IT!
And this is no fault of their own!
Many people will do their very best to diligently follow instructions to get the most out of standard speed reading courses. However, try as they might, they never quite get the sensation that they can confidently read what they need to read in a short period of time. And most speed readers revert back to reading within 90 days.
And, in a certain sense, it’s not really the fault of the standard speed reading courses, either.
But, the truth of the matter is this: those traditional speed reading courses, just weren’t designed to be robust enough to help you get the very best out of speed reading…
Enter ZOXing!
Haven’t heard about it? Don’t worry! You will! And you’ll be glad you did! So, stay tuned to our blog as we share with you how the concept of ZOXing can help you with your speed reading and much, much, MUCH, much more!
For More Information, Visit Here: Fast reading training

Friday, December 20, 2019

Following Tiger Woods? But you just can’t keep it up?


If you want to get current on golf, all you need to do is Google “Tiger Woods”.  The MAN has become a legendary icon already and he is not even breathing hard.  There is so much information on the Internet about Tiger Woods, that it would be nearly impossible to know it all —  or so most people would have you believe.

Your PC can give you a mountain of information in moments.  But how do you expect take in all that information?  What most people use is reading, or better yet, speed reading.

With the mountain of information you are faced with, both reading and speed reading just are not good enough. You need something faster, and more comprehensive, than either of those.  You really need to use your photographic memory — the one you were born with.

You need ZOX Pro Training!

You see, that is just one of the things that ZOX Pro does for you.  Mental Photography, that we invented 35 years ago (1975), engages your brain in extraordinary ways.  It taps into your photographic memory, and gives you the ability to put information directly to your long term memory at the Speed of Light!

From now on you don’t need to be limited to the bottleneck on your information superhighway.  You can move along at light speed.

You can even shave strokes off of your own golf game using ZOX Pro.  As I mentioned earlier, it engages your brain in extraordinary ways.

For More Info : Visit Here : Training Photographic Memory