Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Problems with Technology and Your Brain

S: That’s a double-edged sword, don’t you think? In our, in our realities today, we all need technology in order to do what we need to do. And as long as we use them as tools to accomplish what it is that we need to accomplish, especially if you use it for your work, then that the right thing to do.

On the other side, there’s so much that is going on today where people are not able to live without their mobile phones. People are walking out in the street and getting run over because they’re too busy absorbed into their phones. There are all different sorts of things that people are doing that just aren’t smart with technology. And whenever you

take a look at how much time people spend on technology compared to actually living in the world that they’ve created, you find that they are coming under deficit.

This phenomenon has been mentioned in the book “Digital Dementia”, and it talks about what you lose after using the technology-based devices, you start to lose your cognitive

abilities to the point where you could be having the same type of brain activity as somebody that has had a head injury or brain injury.

I take breaks away from the technology so that I can see pretty sunsets and many other wonderful things. I can experience the world in the fullness that it really is, and I recommend that you spend some time smelling the roses. See what it is that you have built for yourself.

N: So you are saying it’s okay for some technology, but not completely all the time living desktop technology.

S: Let’s go back to the fact that you are a school teacher. If you are a school teacher, and you’re holding class, and the people in your classroom are getting text on their

phones and everything else happening on their phones are playing with their apps. What are they learning? Are they learning what you’re teaching? No. So what they’re doing is they’re literally bypassing you for their own entertainment.

That’s destructive because they are there to do their job and that’s to learn. We are missing out. It becomes clear that we don’t see the obvious we should see. Consider the television. Television has been taken over into a digital platform. We have been told it is to give us better programming. We get much more than that.

Sure, digital TV gives you big screens with all the great programming on it, and you can see a lot more of whatever the programming is. That’s great. But in reality, what the digital community does is, while you’re watching these great things on your digital TV, you’re being fed all of this extra information, programming you to do certain things.

Perhaps those things are not in your best interest. This is how you are controlled.

So when you watch TV, there is no free ride out there. They’re going to get their money’s worth it one way or another. That’s how the TV works and works you over.

You are being programmed underneath whatever you’re watching; simply because it’s a digital format, and they can do it.

About those iPads for Students – Apple into Meltdown

A couple of years ago, here in Australia… All of the private schools used to require students to get the new version iPad each year so that they could have their syllabus and their assignments delivered on their iPad. So every year, they would have to get a new iPad, and the parents had to pan out for those new iPads.

Suddenly, a number of the schools were no longer requiring the children to get the new iPads. Apple went into meltdown over this, because they thought had a sustained, guaranteed market for all these iPad sales that they can no longer count on. The market was flush with new iPads. Apple never thought that the demand would run dry.

To further amplify Apple’s frustration, there were students refusing to use any sort of technology, and reverting to ‘reading a book, where you could turn pages. They were

choosing to go back to the old ways of doing things to get their head out of the iPad, and it makes their brain work better. It makes them have the ability to think and use

their cognitive ability. We want to restore this because this is what makes us great.

N: Definitely. Okay, so this is definitely what makes us great. So let's talk a little bit about, you know, why technology hurts? What kind of symptoms do you see, for people

that overuse technology too much.

S: One of my favorite symptoms that I like to point out, is people that do an excessive amount of selfies. The person might be just really photogenic and loves to see pictures

of themselves, maybe they’re narcissistic, I don’t know, it doesn’t matter. But whenever you have people, no matter where they go, no matter what they’re doing, they’re constantly taking selfies.

If you cross-correlate their ability to have memory, their memory is very, very poor. Because they’re not exercising their memory. Because I use my photographic memory

and I use my memory very well. I can remember things from my childhood, I can remember things from yesterday, I can remember them in high detail. The same thing

with you. You can remember things in high detail for yourself, simply because you are using your brain to do so. You can test people that take a lot of selfies, to find that they have poor memory.

Normally, if you’re involved in a conversation, and somebody says, “What did I just say?” Typically you’ll be able to pull that up within two to three minutes. You have

a normal automatic recall. If you can remember a conversation that you had with somebody a week ago or two weeks ago or a year ago? Well, that’s pretty important.

If you look at how the established governments look at you today, they count on you forgetting. If you forget what has happened before, you’re easily manipulated into how they want you to think today. This becomes a big thing. Does that ring a bell with you?

N: Completely? Okay, I just, I like to know if I’m making sense. What other things like too many selfies, would be red flags?

S: Here is a good one. It used to be whenever you were being terminated from a job,you would go in, you’d see the boss and the boss would say, hey, Jim, you no longer have a job here. We’re making you’re redundant. Today, you get a text.

What about relationships? Some people never discuss things face to face with people that count to them. They’re always discussing things through texts these days. While it’s easy whenever you’re texting back and forth, but you’re easily misunderstood because you cannot hear or see what you, the other person, are thinking while you’re getting texts back and forth. So quite often, you find that relationships come and go through text. And that’s not the right way to do things.

Regarding good communications, my rule of thumb is, if it’s important enough, you will have a conversation, you will have a discussion. This is something that is lost today.

Through my mentoring, all of my mentoring takes place through discussion. I don’t have automated mentoring, because whenever people come to me, they come to me for quality. Not some pre-recorded jargon that they have to fall into. I do things a little bit differently from other people in a similar position. I specifically enjoy the quality that I am able to deliver. Neil, when it comes to you and your tutoring, whenever you were doing a lot of heavy tutoring, how did you deliver it? Did you do it in person? What were your results like? Much better than online?

N: In-person is the best way to get results.

S: Essentially, it comes down to this. We have phones, iPads, Notepads, digital TV, and more going on. We have all these different things that need to be moderated from overexposure. We really need physical stimulation. So if you’re in front of the computer for an hour to get up and walk around, This is basic to keep your blood system going.

You want to have your blood pumping through your system a little bit. So get away from the computer, then come back to it and when you start again, you’ll feel much better.

N: Agreed!

S: Okay. Now, this is the Photographic Memory Podcast. And photographic memory stimulates people to have better brain function overall. This is also the way that you can recover yourself from all of the outside manipulations. You can use this to gain your cognitive skills back.

Whenever you’re dealing with all these devices, including the computer, you’ll start to develop, and probably have already developed a certain level of tunnel vision. In ZOX Pro Training, we have the eye chart which allows you to expand your awareness and perception, and thus, you break through the tunnel vision that you have incurred. It is rejuvenating your mind.

One of the key things here is concentration. Now, do you feel that concentration techniques are properly taught in school? No, not at all. Not at all. Well, I give people a free concentration technique that was invented by Albert Einstein. All they have to do is go to and sign up for it. They get the free technique that they can use forever to enhance their concentration. And things like attention to detail become second nature instead of something that is not what they need to be doing. The level of attention that people have today is very, very poor. I aim to elevate that to a whole new level. But there’s a little work involved. It’s okay. You become better.

Great Things Happen Here!

Get your FREE Concentration technique at now.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Eidetic Memory, Reading, Dyslexia, and Mental Photography


Discussion with a traditional educator, certified in Elementary Education about the eidetic memory, reading, dyslexia, and Mental Photography

The eidetic memory starts at the time of birth. You already have it. It’s already in place – it’s automatic. You’re going to be using the eidetic memory for the first five years of your


Q: You have children, right? Whenever you’re looking at your children in that first five years of life, how do they reflect on you? Are they like little geniuses? They’re information sponges.

A: Yes, little geniuses, sponges, yes.

Information sponges, geniuses, they seem to know at all. They’re tiny little adults packed into a tiny little body. But at the same time, they’re brilliant. And in their own way, they’re absolutely brilliant.

Then something happens when they’re passed into the school system. And it all changes (from your experience).

Q: What is that like?

A: Oh, it’s the system. It starts out we’re going to go and teach everyone the same method of left to right to learn to read. First by identifying letters and sounds and from letters and sounds going to reading and learning to read. After certain phonemic awareness is taught and different things. That’s how they you teach kids to read and count the same thing. It’s basically a rote memorization process, teaching them till they start to memorize nine, memorize, but understand the patterns and numbers and the sounds in works.

So what has changed there is you have the ultimate learning scale called the eidetic memory, which you’ve learned the most difficult things in life, you can even learn multiple languages without having any accent. These are things that adults find very challenging, and we can all learn those things incredibly well.

And those first five years of life before we went to school, then as you’ve outlined there, you then hand the child you say, “a system that is actually better to learn by now”. This is the claim, to stop learning by your own natural methodology of learning and to replace it with reading. But in order to do this, we got to slow you down to a snail’s pace. We got to teach you in a very pedantic manner, and slow you down and basically cripple you, so that you get away from using your natural abilities.

This is what they’re doing to all of the children that go through this system is a slow them down to such a dogged pace, that we actually hinder the learning process. There’s a National Education Association statistic chart. It has been around forever and everybody knows about it. Is says, for the first five years of your life, you learn at an incredible speed. When you start going to school and you start learning to read, it doesn’t even level off, it just goes down from that point, and your rate of learning just plummets. And it stays that way for the rest of your life until you change it. The way you can change it as re-associate yourself with your natural function, the photographic memory. You already have it; you just have to re-associate with it.

Now, when it comes to when it comes to children and difficulties associated with reading, we first look at Dyslexics. Now, a quarter of our population is dyslexic. There are seven different types of dyslexia. They come in all different fashions, all different degrees, you can have several types of dyslexia within the same person. They all inhibit our ability to read; but do they actually inhibit our ability to use the eidetic memory, the photographic memory or mental photography, no. 

Mental Photography, bypasses, dyslexia, and enables a person to take in whole pages of information as pictures. Then the mind can automatically disseminate out the information without having without having corruptions.

There’s a professor over in England. His name is Professor Stein, and he's been studying dyslexia for many years back into late 80s. He has all the statistics and the data that says specifically that the dyslexic process is more like a stutter in the brain. Therefore, if you can implant the information between the stutters, the person gets the information, because it's because it’s not interrupted.

Well, guess what? That’s what Mental Photography does. It gives you a complete flash of information, every page that you turn. That’s why it is so much more effective than anything else in dealing with dyslexia. We look at dyslexic people as being brazen in their own right. They are they are prepared to use the photographic memory, they’re prepared to use Mental Photography, and that ability has been stripped away by the school system, to teach them how to read (which they cannot do). In many cases,

they’re demoralized, because are labeled with a deficit of learning, even when it has nothing to do with their ability to learn.

This is what happens when a person has dyslexia. The number of kids that can’t read, and adults who cannot read the United States is just alarming. The method that is taught (reading) limits the ability of many people to be successful because they lose access to the eidetic memory through our education system.

Q: So, they don’t lose it because they are born with it; but it needs to be brought back again, meaning it’s this many people no longer being able to used it, right?

A: Right. It can be yours again, but it takes specialized training, ad belief.

If you talk to various organizations that deal specifically with dyslexia, there are all kinds of expensive equipment and expensive techniques that will help a person. The downside is almost all of these techniques are based on reading and not utilizing the photographic memory or the eidetic memory.

Q: Exactly! Oh, all right. Yeah. So it’s like that your technique is to reinvent reading, so that a dyslexic person can get something out of it. So this is this ZOX Pro method is so powerful, that it needs to get out everywhere, so that the people that are diagnosed with dyslexia can use this method to improve their reading, or their ability to understand things and to be able to be fine even though they have dyslexia.

A: Ultimately, this is how it works. I have a client that really spelled out that her problem with dyslexia was so severe that she was so phobic, she couldn’t keep a job. She was really good at getting jobs and escalating up in jobs. As soon as she got a job which escalated up to the point where she had to start reading, she would leave.

She would leave the job because she could no longer cope with reading. Reading to her was like walking on broken glass. It was very painful for her. And so she totally went away from reading. This (Mental Photography) was a godsend because she could then get all of her information without needing to read.

She wound up having more library cards than I did. She would go into the library and photograph all the books that she needed. Then she’d go and do whatever she needed to do, because this is their new way to get information.

Now granted, not all Dyslexics have a severe problem. Most, are not diagnosed, or they’re misdiagnosed, which is even worse. Misdiagnosis of a dyslexic person usually makes them fall into a Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD) category. Now, if you have a person that is dyslexic, and they have this mental stutter effect going on in their brain, what happens when you give them amphetamines like Ritalin?

It’s going to make them worse, it’s going to make the dyslexia worse. So if you treat a dyslexic as ADD, with amphetamines, it actually increases the rate of the stuttering which makes the dyslexia a lot worse. So, diagnosis is critical for Dyslexics, and a lot of the school systems still today are not willing and ready to diagnose Dyslexics as separate.

Q: Perfect! There is definitely a need. So what do the educators say, now? How do you break into the education community? Were there some people that say to you, Dr. Shannon, really? Why don’t we teach this method then?

A: It literally comes down to bureaucracy.

Neil, you’ve taught many classes. That’s great. What if you were tossed into teaching a class full of children that are nothing but genius, the entire class are geniuses, they are going to challenge the heck out of you. Correct? This is what the school system doesn’t want. They don’t want free thinkers, they don’t want geniuses. The geniuses can be stacked over in the corner in some special class, and the rest of the people will be

taught to be dumbed down.

Q: Definitely, Correct. And you see this in the bureaucracy of the school system, how it’s arranged and how it’s all put together. This is very unfortunate, because it doesn’t allow people to really accelerate themselves in ways that they need to.

A: Yes, this is dumbing down the nation’s school systems. It all comes down to bureaucracy; a political position.

A dumb populace is much easier to control than a smart populace. Right?

That’s the hinge point.

Q: How can people that have kids that are struggling in school contact you today so that they can use ZOX Pro method?

A: Well, the easiest way is go to ZOXPRO.COM. They can they can get it there. If you have a child that is absolutely terrible with reading, they may have dyslexia and should be tested.

Additionally, for any child to be helped this way, get ZOX Pro for yourself, and then you can help that child, and understand what they need to do. And yes, you’re taking on the instructor position – you’re teaching it to your child at that point, to make sure that they’re doing their exercises and doing it right. If you do it that way, you’re in great shape. If you don’t, and you leave it up the child, the child may be locked into that defeatist way of looking at things. They may not actually do what it takes to get them to the next level.

If you want to get the edge on your child’s education and abilities, ZOX Pro would definitely help.

Great Things Happen Here!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Great Life From Using Mental Photography


Summary from previous podcast…

This is the Photographic Memory Podcast, where we deal with the photographic memory. The photographic memory a natural automatic ability that you are already have within you. Most people have just lost touch with it. I teach people how to get reacquainted with using the photographic memory by using Mental Photography. It enables people to take in huge amounts of information and an exercise their brain in phenomenal ways. And that leads us to who can benefit from using it.

Everyone can benefit. But today, today, we’re breaking it down into certain types of people and professions, because certain professions need to have a certain memory versus other professions; so they can be very successful in those areas with the photographic memory.

Professional Photographic Memory use.…

What if you’re climbing the corporate ladder, and you need a lot more information than where you are currently. This is a great way to get that information very quickly, so that you can climb the corporate ladder. And also, by doing so it’s very self accomplishing. So it’ll give you a lot more confidence in what you’re doing every day. It will raise your productivity level because you can accomplish things. In a timely fashion, you can accomplish things much quicker, dealing with the information quicker. So there’s all types of time saving and time management, things built into this for you. If you’re if you’re the type person that wants to climb in a professional environment, this is something you need to do.

I often talk about the water cooler discussion. For example, you have everybody gathered around the water cooler. And everybody’s thinking the same thing, “Oh, Doggone it, I gotta go back to my desk, I got to look at that big stack of whatever it is, and I have to go through all of it whether it be documents or emails or what have you.”

It’s just daunting – the amount of information that people have to go through daily. And worse, if you’re a decision maker, you have to go through all that information and make decisions upon what you’ve gleaned from whatever that information is about. Well, the typical water cooler talk would be, “Gee, I wish I had a photographic memory, because it would make my life so much easier.” Well, then you have a photographic memory already. You’re born with it. It’s natural. And now the issue is, as most people do not have a grasp of what that means, they do not actually use it.

My answer is to show people how to get reacquainted with using their photographic memory and using it in their professional environment and whatever else you do. Whenever you’re using and exercising the photographic memory, it leads you to have a great memory overall. And from the amount of Mental Photography you do, it stimulates you to grow more dendrites, your memory storage compartments, of your brain. So you’re naturally gaining more memory. So are you able to memorize, and essentially do more things. This isn’t typical memory trick or memorization, which is the cup and hook method. This is real memory, it’s natural, it stays with you the rest of your life. It’s just something that you continue to use.

Get your brain to work for you…

You want your brain to be working for you instead of against you, because this is this is the whole crux of everything that you’re doing in life, everything you want in life, your individual system. You want it to work for you. That’s really important.

Along with time management skills, you also gain because your daily life tends to be more orderly, you also decrease stress. That’s a great boon. Yes, you can take away stress, how many people are completely stressed out from day to day, their adrenals are flying out, their cortisol is up, and they’re gaining weight. They can’t get a good night’s sleep? Oh, geez, “what am I going to do next?” Well, here’s the method, the method helps you in all these different things. (Cortisol suppresses your immune system, so you are more likely to get sick.)

Whenever you’re dealing in a professional environment, I don’t care if it’s a professional environment, a neutral environment, your family environment, whatever; your communication skills are paramount. By using, this methodology, you gain better communication skills. It’s another one of those natural progressions you learn. You learn more about the people you’re around, you have insights, because you now have the free time to actually observe those insights within you and make better observations about others.

You also have all this extra information, all this great information that you can fall back on to make better decisions. And if you make better decisions, you enter into fewer arguments, right? Exactly! This occurs not only at your work, but also at home.  You should want to take that opportunity, and have better communication skills. And of course, with all this, with all these different things, you might have a bit of a positive mental attitude coming on board; you might be able to think a lot more positively about your environment and things that you have to go through. Stop worrying about so much.

Do Scientists Bleed? (the corrupted heart)

A scientist in today’s world… there’s pure science, which I think most scientists when they enter that particular profession, and hoping that they can stay with what they would refer to as pure science. In other words, you have your particular aspect of science, you go along, you do your work, and you get an output that is relative to that science.

Unfortunately, today, scientists typically don’t get paid a lot of money. But they do get paid a lot of money if they become a consultant. Here’s where things get tricky because a person has to look at their integrity. Follow this. If you if you’re a scientist, and you’re qualified as a scientist, you might be asking, “What am I supposed to do here, I have this great new employer that wants to bring me on board as a consultant to prove that, whatever it is that they are doing is the best thing, so that they can put that out for PR and justify potentially wrong actions? And in my heart, I know that that isn’t the truth.”  Well, this is what the cigarette industry did for years and years that said, “Smoking is good for you.”

 They used scientific consultants that wiggled the numbers, and I said likewise. Those people got paid a lot of a lot of good money to do their job. That makes it right, because they’re putting their livelihood on the line. But was it the truth? Not necessarily so. So you have to come down to what your integrity is saying is right thing for you. One of the critical features is finding and knowing what the truth really is. And this is something that you have to look at from a judgment call. It’s something that will wear upon a person simply because if they make the wrong decisions. So the more information that they get about a particular topic, and the more that they’re able to deal with that information. Thus, the better at doing their job, and the better at making their own decisions as to what their path is going to reveal.

Police and other Emergency Workers…

One of the big aspects with regards of the ZOX Pro Training… we teach people how to be a lot more aware of their surroundings, have a higher degree of perception awareness around them seven to 10 times what you would not normally experience. What this means is, you get great intuition and you get great feedback of your surroundings. There are many examples of this.

Emergency workers, like police, firemen, military, etc. often find themselves in bad situations. When they have been doing that same job for years, they tend to develop a sixth sense, which allows them to “dodge a bullet”. It seems to be the new guy that ends up getting hurt, as they do not understand the environment. They haven’t gotten a feel for it yet.

How does ZOX Pro help people in those risk filled professions? It teaches people how to be tuned in and aware of their surroundings.


What about parenting? Oh, you got to have eyes in the back your head there? Well, let’s go back to communication skills. Oh, intuition, yes, communication skills, that session making a positive mental attitude, problem solving. All these things have to do with your family life. Now, there is actually an overlap between your professional nature, your parenting skills, and your home life.

A bad day…

Whenever you have a bad day at work, what do you do, you bring it home, whenever you have a bad day at home, and you take it to work? Well, that’s not productive in either case. So once you are actually being productive in one or both of those areas, it is reflected into the other as well. It’s very holistic. Therefore, if you have a good day at work, when you come home, you have a better day at home. Even though it feels like the ground shaking and the world’s falling apart. You’re still having a better day than what you had the day before, when you didn’t have that good day feeling.


It makes sense what the photographic memory does to help in your parenting skills for sure. For students, it’s common sense, a no brainer. Students will be able to memorize more; they’re going to be able to read faster, they’re going to be able to answer questions more quickly, and they’re going to ace that it’s going to be easier to study. For students, this is a godsend.

If you’re going to university, for every hour that you spend in the classroom, you’re supposed to be spending three to four hours in the library or studying diligently for whatever the topic is. So, that’s four to five hours for every hour that you actually are attending school. Now, do you want to have a life while you’re at university?

I have a client named Michael. Michael was your average student, he wasn’t doing all that good with his grades. He got through high school, okay. And then he goes into university. He’s failing miserably. He’s just tanking it. And so he comes to me and he says, “Dr. Shannon, I got to do something here. I got to create a professional life for myself, my family expects it. I am expected to have higher goals, and this can show me how to do that.” So, I show him how to do it.

Afterwards, he hardly even attends University. And “the game” in the university is everything is about book knowledge. What he would photograph all the books, turn around, pass all the tests, he would study maybe 10 minutes a week to do this. My goodness! He hardly ever attended classes except to take the exams. That is this is how he went through college. He’s now a doctor Chinese medicine. He travels all over the world.

These are the types of people that I have the opportunity to train as people that want more out of life. They know there’s a better way. They can’t stand the slow, ridiculous pace that everything is set out for them. So, they come to me and they find out how to do it in a much more accelerated ways.

Oh, one more testimonial. Since we’re, since we’re talking about universities… Dr. Ted Valley, well, whenever he was exposed to ZOX Pro, he was not a doctor. He was going through college, he created a family he created a home for himself. And all those things burdened his time. Then he decided to go and become a doctor. He’s a chiropractic doctor now. So, how did he do it? He utilized ZOX Pro to totally accelerate everything he was doing, and maximized his efficiency. Everything he needed to do to get his degree. Fast. And now he’s a chiropractic doctor.

Great Things Happen Here!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Mental Photography is the vehicle

It’s all about the brain, right? All the different things you can store in it. Mental Photography is the vehicle.

In short, Mental Photography gives you the ability to utilize Loads of information, taking in 25 to 50,000 words per month to start with. It’s using your photographic memory. The upper limit, there doesn’t seem to be one. We end up taking in a lot more information than what we believe that we’re usually taking in. So this gives you plenty of opportunity to take in huge amounts of information.

What I’d like to do is take the opportunity to tell you a little bit about how this relates to reading speed reading and such, to give you a launching point as to what that really means. Now, keep in mind, we’re starting at 25 to 50,000 words per minute, your average reading speed, whenever you read something, is around 250 words per minute, give or take. The amount of information that you directly get from reading is about 50% immediately, wow. But then it plummets.

The reason why this has a huge fall off is because of this thing you have in your brain related to the short term memory called the hippocampus, the hippocampus acts as a leaky water glass. The more information you put into it, the more information leaks out, eventually, about 5% of the information gets transferred to the long term memory. This is where you actually feel that you’ve learned something. But have you really learned something if you’ve only gone through reading material one time, chances are you’re pretty sketchy at the material. This is why people have to really get into quizzing and going over the information time and time again, and reading, reading, reading.

Reading is a huge time waster simply to get up on the information that you’re supposed to have. You get 50% of material immediately, then it drops down to 5% of the material. And that’s what you’re left with, unless you really spend a lot of time beefing up your material. This is the reason why a lot of people cram for tests.  A couple nights before they start cramming for a test, they won’t even sleep and they just cramming, cramming, cramming, cramming all night long. They will cram until the time that they’re entering the test.

Finally, they get in there and take their test. They pass it. And, what we used to say right after the test is you go out and “flush it”, because you don’t need to remember it anymore. You’ve just passed the test. So the name of the game is actually passing the test, and not actually knowing or using that information after the fact. That’s a big problem with testing. Memorizing, then forgetting… Typically, that is how we do things in our society today. So that’s really what happens with reading.

Speed Reading…

Now let’s take a look at speed reading. Well, the key thing with “speed reading” is you also have the word “reading” in there; which relates back to this relative concept of reading. With reading on speed reading… let’s say you start at 500 words per minute, maybe up to maybe up to 5000 words per minute. Hey, you’re doing so much better. Now, what is really interesting, and we’ll revisit this fact later on, even though you’re reading less words, because you’re hopping over heaps and heaps of material by doing this, even though you’re reading less words, your comprehension of the material immediately goes up another 15%, up to 65%. Well, that’s much better than reading.

There’s an old program that says, and this is what your reading teacher will say, “You must read every word verbatim to get the information”. How many times have you heard that? A bunch! That program actually interferes with things like speed reading, because speed reading, you know that you’re not reading everything verbatim; you’re skipping over most of it. Even through you have the stats to prove that speed reading is actually better than reading. This is the same reason why most people revert away from speed reading back to reading, usually within 90 days. Their mind thinks that they’re skimming and scanning over the information, so therefore, they’re not getting it. So they go back to reading back to the slow, sluggish way of doing things.

Speed reading, yes, you get the 65% immediately, but then about a week later, since reading has its attrition rate within 48 hours, speed reading gives you an attrition rate and about a week, and it too goes down, not as far as reading, but it goes down, say around 10 or 15%. That goes long term memory. Now keep in mind, they even though you’re speed reading, your speed reading has actually increased in your value as to what you’ve gotten from the material. And it’s delivering more to you overall. But yet we talk ourselves out of it. And we go back to the slow way you were doing things before.

Mental Photography…

Now, when it comes to Mental Photography… Mental Photography is a quantum leap above either one of these things. It goes 25,000 to 50,000 words per minute, this equates to turning pages at a rate of one turn per second, exposing you to two pages of information each second. That’s where we start. If you’re going any slower than that, forget it, you’re not doing Mental Photography, you’re doing something else.

Remember that thing called the hippocampus, the leaky water glass? Well, this information doesn’t go into the hippocampus at all. The information will go into your long term memory directly. That way, you get 100% of the information. So that is your retention – 100% of the information for the rest of your life. And it’s a matter of you’re just learning how to stimulate the recall that that information. And we give you some practical methods how to do that as well. The key thing is to do a lot of metal photography, whenever you’re doing a lot of metal photography, and retrain to how to use the photographic memory and actually get this information back 25,000 to 50,000 words per minute. You have 100% retention the information.

Whenever you’re going through the pages, you tend to miss pages each time at that speed. On average, you will get 77% of the pages the first time through. You’ve actually seen them the first time through. All you have to do as you go through the book three times over, you easily get into the 90 percentiles because you miss different pages each time. So your retention rate is going to be well and truly, at least 90% of the information by going through the book three times.

So what this is actually doing for you? Let’s put it into real world terms. If you’re reading a book, you’re going at less than one page, per minute, right? If you’re, if you’re Mentally Photographing a book, you can go through a 300 page book three times over in less than 10 minutes, and have that book for the rest of your life. Now, how long would it take you to read that same 300 page book? Probably a few hours?

Okay, depending on how complex it is. So we’re setting here in a wonderfully big library, and it reflects really what it’s all about when it comes to what you can really pack away in your mind; And there, there doesn’t seem to be any upper limit. I often have the question, “Is my brain going to explode with all this information?” No, it doesn’t. I’m physical proof of that.

Your brain just takes in more and more information, and you develop your brain more and more. The more that you use your photographic memory, what happens? You strengthen your brain in great ways.

Origin of Mental Photography…

Back in 1975 (some of you weren’t even born yet, Dr Richard Welch, my mentor, he went and invested in a speed reading company. That was after Evelyn Woods came out, she created speed reading, everybody was on the speed reading train, but there was an inherent problem in the system. Richard Welch was the type of person to take steps to make the system better. He asked questions that no one in the industry was willing to answer, and couldn’t answer. In speed reading, the big question is “What happens to the words that are no longer sub-vocalized?” He asked that one question. Before Evelyn Woods came along and invented speed reading, the only thing that anybody had been taught for the last couple 100 years was reading. So this is the way everybody learned and was expected to learn. If you did not learn how to read or did not have the capacity to or were unable to in some way, you were very well looked down upon.

What Richard Welch found out is that there was there were certain principles and speed reading, and the one question that wasn’t answered was what happens to the words that are no longer sub-vocalized? He set out to answer that one question, and he did. So he got together with some universities to conduct some studies. It was all privately funded, so he was able to keep things under wraps. And eventually this led to the discovery of Mental Photography.

It was found that at the rate of 25,000 words per minute, you can no longer sub-vocalize, which is a key thing when it comes to reading. You can no longer sub vocalize each word. In fact, you couldn’t sub-vocalize any words So you are literally taking Mental Photographs of full pages of information. That’s the photographic memory.

Today, we know that there’s a quantum signature that goes along with this as well, which leads to much higher abilities taking in additional information as well. But back then, quantum physics was a newer topic. And Mental Photography really wasn’t thought of in this way at that time. Let’s revisit this here. So Richard Welch, set out to find out what the question was in, in light of understanding what answered the question. The answer to the question is, the words that are not sub-vocalized are actually doing the job that information goes into your subconscious, and raises your ability. This is that extra 15%, which was discovered in speed reading. Because the stats were all there. And he was looking for why is this going up whenever you’re reading less words. And the truth is, is that extra 15% is based upon what you’re not reading.

The information goes into the subconscious directly, whenever you read, you’re in a mist, you initially only get 50% of the information. When you speed read, you get 65% of the information with a lot less effort. He was looking for why the extra 15% was there. And he made an assumption that it’s doing something within the subconscious. This is what led to discovery of Mental Photography. And it was, again, it was found out of 25,000 words per minute, you can no longer sub vocalize the words, and thus, you’re no longer doing anything associated with reading, it now becomes a different brain function, that utilizes your photographic memory.

Assimilate large volumes of information…

The most obvious thing with Mental Photography is dealing with large volumes of accurate information. And this is really key. Whenever you’re mentally photographing information, you’re getting that 100%. It’s going into your long term memory, you have it there for the rest of your life, you are dealing with information at a completely different level. Now, whenever we’re talking about the quantum physics aspect, Mental Photography is applied quantum physics.

Your mind is a fantastic device. It will allow you to pick up extra information that has been embedded into the reading. Whenever you have an author, and that author is an expert, whenever that person writes into that book, or creates that book, they spend a lot of time and energy thinking about what they are doing. That energy is then tagged along with whatever they’re writing.

This is why if you pick up some books, you can have two books look exactly the same, same pages, same dimensions, and everything else. You pick up one book, and it almost feels heavy. That’s a book that’s written by somebody who knows what they’re doing and it may take forever to read. And the other book when you pick it up, it can be almost the same information, everything, but you pick it up, and there’s no weight to it. So what’s wrong with this book? It’s plagiarized. You can you can actually tell the quality of the book this way through your mind being able to weigh the two. You can tell which one is real and which one is plagiarized.

There are places like Amazon that sell a lot of books. There are so many really, really good plagiarist out there. Yes, and Amazon is selling their books right along with everyone else’s books. Plagiarists are great marketers, because they don’t have to spend any time on the research. They just glue things together.

How far will ZOX Pro Training Take you?

Mental Photography is really your greatest brain exercise that you have available to you. It’s not only good for information, it is actually going to equip you with so much more of your own brain power to do anything that you want to do in your life better, easier, faster. It’s great. If you want to change occupations, or elevate yourself in your occupation. If you want to have a better relationship, have a wealthier life, or have a better lifestyle.

Read 100 books in a year. Not possible with reading. It is easily possible using Mental Photography. It makes it easy. You can be better at anything once you apply all that new information. Want to be better in your profession? Sure! Do you want to pass tests with ease? You can do that too. The uses are infinite.

Mentally Photographing Libraries…

I’ll give you one really bright, clear example. Now this client is professional with the Mental Photography; she was a legal secretary. Her job was to go down to the bankruptcy courts, in this case in Denver, for the state of state of Colorado. That’s like going into an airplane hanger, all these different files all over the place. And it’s just a daunting, daunting task. People get lost in there for days looking for a single piece of paper.

She spent a day, just going up and down through the aisles, Mentally Photographing the locations of all the files in the entire place, just one day. All she did was walk up and down the aisles, in the same way that we teach. From then on, within 15 minutes she could walk in, and walk straight up to it, get it and leave – all in 15 minutes. Even the people that have worked there for years and years couldn’t do what she could do. She can even find files that were misfiled in a box that it shouldn’t be in. That’s the quantum secret there. That’s the quantum information – the vibration, the frequency. Whenever you get really, really good at this, you can do remarkable things. You can find things that you really have no chance in finding without this ability.

Other clients have Mentally Photographed complete libraries.

Great Things Happen Here!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

How can Learning Photographic Memory Change your life?

The photographic memory first starts at infancy as the eidetic memory. It is what you were born with – completely natural. Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting – it is what makes you human. You have an eidetic memory you are born with. You never lose it. Eidetic memory is the same thing as photographic memory

Your photographic memory is the holy grail of your brain development. This one thing, your photographic memory, amplifies everything you do in life; easier, faster, better. Most people who carry it forward into adult life tend to hide it, because others ask them to prove they have it.


The process of learning how to read traditionally is 180 degrees away from how your photographic memory works. A 5 year old child using their eidetic memory is a genius, until they enter traditional schooling.


How can you reactivate and recapture photographic memory?  There are few people, rebels in the school system who carry it forward and do not have to study to get straight A’s. Most people have gotten away from it – probably 95 percent of the people. I teach Mental Photography which takes in large volumes of information, gaining at a rapid speed of 25,000, 50,000, 100,000 or more words per minute.  That’s 100 to 200 times the average reading speed. 


When you read, you actually retain only 5 percent of information.  Mentally Photography – you retain 100 percent of the information in your long term memory, with the ability to recall it back.

Using the photographic memory, you gain knowledge and wisdom along with the information. You gain all those things all at the same time.  Mental Photography is Applied Quantum physics. You are using frequency of the information. 


The umbrella organization is Brain Management. The magical key with all of our training is Mental Photography, which you can gain through ZOX Pro.  By using photographic memory you gain decision making which is paramount everything you do. If you do not have a good memory you will make poor decisions. Your ability to take in a huge amount of Great info Gives you superior info to create very good decisions. Using photographic memory is the key to success in life.  


In ZOX Pro Training, everything works together in a synergic system. Each individual exercise has a set value. All of the exercises, together along with Mental Photography, compound themselves to get results. You are going to get results quicker and easier, and more eventful insights to gain from your lessons. 


The eye chart is one of our exercises – rather innocuous and boring. It expands your peripheral vision to 230 degrees (without glasses) to 180 degrees with glasses. You get tunnel vision looking at a computer or TV. Start experiencing the world around you. Get away from watching TV, and expand your peripheral vision. This has a boomerang effect on your mental system. This kinesthetic event expands your perception 7 to 10 times. Perception of the world around you will change. It is time to see the truth. People have the wool pulled over their eyes. You can control this.


Martial artists take many steps to open peripheral vision because not only do they physically gain perception around them they expand peripheral vision 360 degrees to complete awareness. This is especially important to firemen, police, military, and other emergency workers. They need to learn this. 


When it comes to awareness and perception… This also leads to your ability to nullify subliminal messages which come to us thousands of times per day as subliminal advertising; again, using ZOX Pro will give you the ability to detect the truth – a truth detector. You can eliminate subliminal coercion and begin to see the real world that has always been there. You become an independent thinker.


Watch the episode here:

Thursday, April 15, 2021

What are More Benefits of Learning Photographic Memory?

Learning how to access your photographic memory is a game changer. There are many benefits. I was able to change my life due to learning this method. You can stop information overload, create career mobility, and have a better life.

You can stop information overload.  Whenever you use your photographic memory you develop your brain, you naturally form more physical memory. Along with that, you manage and can segregate the information. You can get more out of it. When you use your memory properly, you are no longer bogged down by information. You were born with a photographic memory but you do not know how to regulate it. 

By exercising your photographic memory, you can decrease your stress. The reason is you use your natural memory to directly help with time management. This means you can stop information overload and decrease stress by 50 to 80 percent every day, and have a better day. Stress directly relates to your health, whenever you feel stress it suppresses your immune system. Your body does not function well, and you are more likely to get ill. 

With the photographic memory you gain quality information. Let’s say you are climbing the ladder to success. Certain types of information allow you to quickly focus on achieving the ability to accumulate better information, climbing the ladder more quickly. You have to believe in yourself to do it. 

You can have a better life when you use your photographic memory. In addition, with having the photographic memory, you will be able to free up more time for yourself because you are able to get the job done quicker and easier. This opens up more personal time.

I have more interests than 10 other people. I really enjoy life because I know how to use my photographic memory.