Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Best Speed Reading is NOT Speed Reading! It’s ZOXing!

Ah, speed reading! If you’re like most people, speed reading probably conjures up romantic imagery of being able to just whip right through all kinds of wonderful books and poems and blogs and other types of documents at record speed. You want to read as fast as possible so that you can get on with the life you want to live. Sounds GREAT, doesn’t it?.
But, of course, the dream of speed reading doesn’t really reach enough people who DESPERATELY NEED IT!
And this is no fault of their own!
Many people will do their very best to diligently follow instructions to get the most out of standard speed reading courses. However, try as they might, they never quite get the sensation that they can confidently read what they need to read in a short period of time. And most speed readers revert back to reading within 90 days.
And, in a certain sense, it’s not really the fault of the standard speed reading courses, either.
But, the truth of the matter is this: those traditional speed reading courses, just weren’t designed to be robust enough to help you get the very best out of speed reading…
Enter ZOXing!
Haven’t heard about it? Don’t worry! You will! And you’ll be glad you did! So, stay tuned to our blog as we share with you how the concept of ZOXing can help you with your speed reading and much, much, MUCH, much more!
For More Information, Visit Here: Fast reading training

Friday, December 20, 2019

Following Tiger Woods? But you just can’t keep it up?


If you want to get current on golf, all you need to do is Google “Tiger Woods”.  The MAN has become a legendary icon already and he is not even breathing hard.  There is so much information on the Internet about Tiger Woods, that it would be nearly impossible to know it all —  or so most people would have you believe.

Your PC can give you a mountain of information in moments.  But how do you expect take in all that information?  What most people use is reading, or better yet, speed reading.

With the mountain of information you are faced with, both reading and speed reading just are not good enough. You need something faster, and more comprehensive, than either of those.  You really need to use your photographic memory — the one you were born with.

You need ZOX Pro Training!

You see, that is just one of the things that ZOX Pro does for you.  Mental Photography, that we invented 35 years ago (1975), engages your brain in extraordinary ways.  It taps into your photographic memory, and gives you the ability to put information directly to your long term memory at the Speed of Light!

From now on you don’t need to be limited to the bottleneck on your information superhighway.  You can move along at light speed.

You can even shave strokes off of your own golf game using ZOX Pro.  As I mentioned earlier, it engages your brain in extraordinary ways.

For More Info : Visit Here : Training Photographic Memory

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Dyslexia, ADD and ADHD,… Panacea to Success?


Quotes and comments are from an Article published at:

Title: From A.D.H.D. to 8 Gold Medals

In a recent interview with the New York TimesDeborah Phelps, middle school principal and mother of Michael Phelpsthe most medaled Olympian in history, remembers how her son’s elementary school teacher once told her, “Your son will never be able to focus on anything.”… When Michael was in 5th grade, his mother and family doctor discussed whether Michael might have A.D.H.D.…Deborah Phelps watched her son, who couldn’t sit still at school, wait patiently for hours at a meet to swim a five-minute race. At 11, Michael was off Ritalin by his own choice and his coach, Bob Bowman, was already predicting greatness….Today, the Phelps name is an adjective, as in “phelpsian,” meaning “dominating in competition.” A gift, most would agree, that requires laser-like focus.

My Comment: As a  Seminar Instructor and teaching Mental Photography, I see many people that have ADDADHD, and Dyslexia. I think very highly when a person like Michael Phelps can learn to overcome this so-called deficit, and turn it into an incredible attribute.

A couple re-occurring themes that do seem to accompany ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia is the ability for that person to have incredible ‘focus‘ on an objective, and they also tend to find school very boring. Many considerations to qualitatively monitor the environment where these individuals co-exist with everyone else should be a factor in any diagnosis.

Further Discussion: 1 out 4 people have dyslexia. There are 7 different types of dyslexia. A dyslexic person can experience more than one type of dyslexia. This in turn complicates the diagnosis.

Since more than 50% of school students can be taught to read, the education system calls this a victory.

What if in that same school system, you score 50% on a test. That would most likely be graded as a failure. Why the change of heart? That approach sounds a bit hypocritical.

ADD and ADHD usually start from an observation, described as unruliness, disruptive behavior, disobedient, lack of concentration and initiative (initiative is sometimes the ideal of the teacher, or what the teacher would like to see.), and so on. The point being that many of these conditions are a qualitative observation, and not necessarily based on a set of parameters that can be gauged.

Environment plays a big part in what we react to and how we react. Environment also plays a

considerable, mostly unconsidered, part of the diagnosis. How can a Doctor that is going to prescribe
drugs for a specific condition, such as ADD, do such an act without so much as to have visited the school or conducted an on site study, relying on input from persons that may, without intention, be biased read more...

For More Info : Visit Here Photographic memory exercises

Friday, November 1, 2019

How Does Brain Management Look at Recession? Use Your BRAIN !

How Does Brain Management Look at Recession?

Use Your BRAIN !

This is an exercise in the application of Mental Photography (ZOX)

I like to paint pictures. More precisely, I like to paint pictures for you to have some idea what it would be like for you to be using Mental Photography. And, if you already use Mental Photography, how to broaden your scope and use it better. There is event that everyone in the world are now sharing. Economics. Yikes! How do you react? This exercise will help you assess what part you are playing.

First, gain information fast by using Mental Photography (ZOXing)

When the post-war economy began to slump following WWII, since the Great Depression was still a memory, the president didn’t want to suggest that the USA was heading back to that, so the word ‘Recession’ was born. Today, this would e referred to as ‘slant’.

Qualities of the word “Recession”:

Sounds friendlier, like schoolchildren at recess, or just taking a break from profitable business.

“It’s merely a recession.”

It alleviates public panic

No-one can agree on what it is, or what defines it. Thus, by the word ‘recession’ being so ambiguous, we could be in a ‘depression’ without the public even realizing it.


Let’s gain perspective about another word – DEPRESSION. Now, depression is defined 2 ways, as a state of economy, and as a state of mind. The two are tenaciously linked. The economic state becomes the mental state, which then supports the economic state – a vicious cycle.
Today, the world is faced again with the same dilemma. Is it a recession, a depression, or what? What is the truth? Again, Mental Photography (ZOXing) comes to the rescue. Because Mental Photography gives us information at 100 times the impact, it reveals secrets and insights that are the fabric behind the writing – that elusive thread of TRUTH.

Now you can dwell on all the stuff the Fear Mongers keep telling you about. About the time you think we should be getting good news from the Media, They are telling everyone that it’s worst than ever. There’s a black lining to every cloud of hope. As long as they can keep revealing those black linings, They are in the MONEY!… because bad news sells! And terrible news sells better.

The alternative is for you to focus on YOU. How are YOU going to affect YOU? Are you going to let the Fear Mongers ruin your life with their tales of woe, or are you going to do something different. Again, Mental Photography to the rescue!

Mental Photography does so many good things for your brain. It cleans up your ability to think clearly, increases your physical memory, increases ability to access memory better, and of course is the ability to take in huge amounts of information FAST. YOU gain the advantage!

In times like these, what you do and how you look at and handle things are paramount to your successes. If your thoughts fly above the crowd, you will continue to do well. Yes, of course there will be set-backs along the way. But don’t let them get in your way. While everyone else is wallowing in the muck and mire, you can work your magic – for yourself.

There are many ways to achieve what I just explained, but the Mental Photography is by far the easiest to use and it is completely natural to your brain.

By learning and using Mental Photography for your brain, mind, and life, you gain the advantage others don’t have. It opens the doors to solutions you never would have considered before. Isn’t it time you Take Control of Your Life, put the Fear Mongers aside, guide your life over the ‘recession’ rockiness, and come out better on the other end.

Heads Up!

For More Info : Visit Here : Mental photography training

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Does the Secret Law of Attraction Work For YOU ?

Does the Secret Law of Attraction Work For YOU ?


Brain Management – Gain the Power of CLARITY

Recently, I was writing about another topic for the blog. That topic was “Mind to Mind – Integrity and Wellness – The Healing Power of Truth! As you know, if you have been following my writing, I tend to build the clock – just to tell the time. Hopefully, I’m not boring you to tears at the same time. If that were to happen, I am sure that you would not want to stick around here. In the article I just mentioned, I stepped a little sideways to give you one of those extra little tidbits I expose. This one had to do with “the Secret Law of Attraction“.

I am going to cheat a bit here, so you don’t need to look up what was said in the previous article. Here is the excerpt:

The Secret Law of Attraction

Here is something that may give you the incentive to take a closer look at this. Many of you have attempted to use the Secret Law of Attraction to gain your goals, and failed. So therefore you question it, or even proclaim that it doesn’t work, or that it’s a fraud. From what I know about people in general, I think it’s a pretty safe bet that most people know more about plumbing than they know about their own true self. So when I hear people say how everyone has been taken advantage of by the Secret, especially if they are in a public forum, it makes me wonder about that person. (Quite often this is followed up with a tirade of how that person struggled to raise themselves from the depths of oblivion to where they are today.)

Since I have been teaching the ‘Universal‘ Law of Attraction for over 20 years, it comes as no surprise why many cannot seem to come to grips with it. I was teaching it and using it a long time before ‘the Secret’ ever came out. Do you want to know one of the main ingredients how to make it work? Sure, I’ll tell!

The Law of Attraction is based on ‘sympathetic vibration‘. So, anything that disrupts this flow of  energy from point A to point Z will cause the flow to stop. I refer to this as ‘congestion‘. The absence of congestion is ‘clarity‘. If a person is clear of inhibitions and beliefs that throw a wrench into the gears, then the opportunity to achieve the preferred outcome is much better. There are some other factors, but I am not going to discuss them at the moment.

Think of it this way: If you want to shoot an arrow into the bulls eye, then you don’t want anything to get into the way of the arrow. A single blade of grass can deviate the arrow so it lands off target. If a stick or such gets in the way, you may miss the target all together. By you having obstacles that your arrow must navigate, what do you think your chances are of reaching your objective? Probably Nil. If you continue to shoot arrows and none end up at the target, no matter how accurate you are with your archery, you will develop and strengthen a belief that you cannot and never will be able to hit the target – your objective. You have nobody to blame but yourself. You have actually done it to yourself. That’s hard to swallow!

Can you correct this type of problem? Yes, but in order to correct the problem, you must understand that you created it to begin with. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. You just didn’t know. You have just now found out. I understand why you would be very frustrated. I make it my business to know how these things work.

Another way to see this is for you to observe a “Lucky” Person. That person is lucky because they know and expect nothing else. Things always fall right for them. They always land on their feet. This is supported by their belief system that claims this, and is strengthened time and again by things always going the right way for them. You on the other hand may have the same amount of belief strengthening that has happened to you – just in the opposite direction read more...

For More Info : Visit Here : Mental Photography

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Brain Game – Choice! What if I handed you a pot full of gems?

What if I handed you a pot full of gems? Choose 1

Brain Game


Put on your thinking cap! It is time to exercise your grey matteragain. By the way, that does actually mean I am talking about your brain, how does the brain work. I don’t want you to think that I am patronizing you. I just like to let you know what I am talking about before I lose your attention.

Another for instance is telling you about “yellow cake”. And since this reference to yellow cake would be uranium ore, then it would NOT be something you would want to eat. (This type of conversation is what you may hear from Sheldonon the TV ShowBig Bang Theory.)

Now that I have confused you as to where this is leading, let’s get on with our brain gameand know the brain and its functions.

The Brain Game:

I hand you a pot of gems. The gems are of all sizes, shapes and colors. I even tell you that one of the gems is a 3 carat diamond. But the objective is for you to pick which gem is worth the most. If you do not pick the one that is worth the most, then you lose and you must place the gemyou have selected back into the pot.

You have been given 8 hours to study books on all the different ways to grade and value gems. Any instruction manualson the equipment is available as well. Gemmologistswill tell you it takes a lot of experience to know what you are looking at.

I have made this most addictive game a little more confusing, because you have over 1000 gems to select from. I have even put a few duds in there, such as a 3 caratsized cubic zirconium. Even if you go by the standard types of valuing, you cannot accommodate all the alternatives. You can start with color, clarity, carat weight, etc. Pink diamonds are in vogue at the moment, soon to be replaced by another color. So a small pink diamond can be worth a lot more than a 3 carat white diamond (I don’t want to go down the track of the different cuts for the same stone. I want to keep this somewhat sain.)

You will be provided all the tools required and a table to sort them on. You will have all of the gemmologist’s tools to determine their worth. There is one catch. You have only 1 hour to make your selection. Therefore, you will either know it or you won’t. I could give a person 8 hours to make a decision. If they did not know what they were doing, it would still only be a guess read more...

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Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Leave the Old You Behind


Another year has passed and you are still doing those rotten things you were doing last year. Don’t worry. If you did not know, less than 5% of people that make New Year Resolutionskeep them until the following year. It is virtually a liscence to cheatyourself. Time is passing you by.

Time for the New Year

 How to Make New Year Resolutions

You have heard it all before:

Eat less

Stop smoking

Exercise more

Be nice to people

…and more.

STOP already! It is the same thing each year. You make a bunch of promises that you will never keepor see through for a week, let alone seeing them through till next year.

Have you ever heard, “The path to Hell is paved with good intent.” You are not doing yourself any favors when you approach your goals half-hearted. While you were busy setting yourself up to fail, you were better off not doing anything at all. Too many people achieve failure by not knowing a few basic steps to goal setting.

These 3 principles, when followed, give yourself the fighting chance to succeed. When painting that path for the New Year, you want to achieve success.

Here are 3 basic principles with successful “goal-setting” that are seldom followed. (These are also the tips and tricksthat make your journey easier.):

What truly makes you happy?

Happinessis not found on the TV, in Magazines, or other Media. You may think otherwise. But here is one way to recognize something that actually makes you happy. It is relatively easy to achieve, and it is sustainable, without continually feeding it. These are things we tend to take for granted read more...

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Monday, June 17, 2019


By now, you have been hearing about Mental Photography, and are probably thinking, “What is Mental Photography?” Mind To Mind is pleased to give you this next section that goes into some detail about it. You brain stands to gain great abilities. It is up to me to reveal some of those mind-shattering truths. For your own mental health, please read on…

Mental Photography



Ask yourself,…

“What can be BETTER than READING?”

How about 10,000% better than reading??

Would you like to

Assimilate information at least 100 times the average reading speed???

With 100% retention for life????

and 100 times the impact of reading…?????

Right now I could say something silly, like “You’ll never guess…”. But I am not because if you are reading this, I’ve deduced that you’re intelligent. I am not going to insult your intelligence by saying such an absurd thing.

From Mind to Mind ( Please take the time to enjoy what this information holds for you. Many years of development have given us a product that we want to shout about from the highest mountains. Please read on…

Mental Photography / Subliminal Photography techniques

Mental Photography / Subliminal Photography techniquesis the primary vehicle that expediently creates a very strong rapport between the consciousand the subconscious. It opens many doors to our vast potentialby building these bridges. As a learning tool, it allows people to assimilate information at 100 times the average reading speed with 100% retention for life. But, this is not limited to learning. More importantly, it opens a pathway to a part of thebrainthat hasfantastic abilities.This part of the brain acts as a conduit to  universal energy read More...

For More Info : Visit Our Website : Photographic memory training

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Click Here : Photographic memory course

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

If You Are Happy With Your Life, … Please Disregard

Wanted: 100 People for Change

(If You are completely happy with your life, don’t waste your time reading this.)
I am looking for 100 people that are unhappywith their life, AND are willing to do anything it takes to make it better.
◊ Would you… cover yourself in honey and stand in front of a bees nest?
◊ Would you… jump out of an airplane with a parachute you made yourself, from scratch?
◊ Would you… stand naked in front of the Empire State Building singing the national anthem of a foreign country?
The most outrageous thing is some people would actually do these things if they thought it would improve their life.
By now, you must be thinking this guy is out of his mind! No, I am actually quite sane. I have been watching people for over 25 years make positive changes to their life, without ever doing anything so risky as the examples above.

Change – What is it all about?

As an oblique overview, there are several things that should be considered about change.

◊ Change happens everywhere at all times.

◊ Change involves us, whether we want it or not.

◊ Change is a fact of Life. Get used to it.

◊ Change can be influenced in what direction it takes, by you.

Change – How can I Influence it?

To influence positive change to take place in and around your life, you must strengthen a few basic building blocks.
Mental Discipline– Take steps to exerciseand strengthen your brain and mind. Your mental capabilitiesare so far beyond what you do currently; you cannot even fathom what you are capable of achieving. Disciplining your mind starts with a commitment. It is always easier to make a commitment when you base it on a goal. For the sake of this exercise, let’s assume your goal is “for you to directly influence change”. When you are taking up a discipline, usually there will be exercises the strengthen you mind in some fashion. Most of the exercises will have something to do with enhancing your senses. By taking steps to enhance your senses, you are building structure. Some of that structure may be new, previously untapped read more...
Read for More Blog : Visit Here : Photographic Memory
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Monday, April 29, 2019


Where is the Good News?

A World With Little Imagination and Aspiration Surrounds You!

Arm yourself – The time is nigh to protect yourselfand all that you hold dear.

There is no better investmentright now than investing in yourself and your skills and capabilities.

The times we are now experiencing make me want to break out into a tune of,“Where Has all the Good News Gone? Long Time Passing… Where Has all the Good News Gone? Long Time ago…”;sung to “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”

Look at the TV News. Where is the good news? Find out happy news of the day.

Look at the Newspapers and Magazines. Where is the good news?­­­­ Find out positive news around the world.

Talk to peopleListento what they say. Where is the good news? Find out uplifting news of the day.

When was the last time you heard of people counting their blessings, or stopping to smell the roses? Seldom, if at all. I am sure that some of you have established pockets of steadfast optimists. So remember that this is not a message for everyone. If it is a message for you, you will know.

Sure, you can buy into all the bad news, along with the negative peopleand populace around you. Don’t forget the mediaand all of their banter on how bad things are and how it is doomed to get worse. Think back. When did that attitude ever motivate you out of your situation?
If you already have invested in our training, think of this as great information to rally yourself into further action, to put yourself into a powerful attitude that allows you to thrive. If you do not have our training yet, then you really should pay attentionto what I am sharing with you.

 What are you doing to combat the negative information that is shoved down your throat daily?

Here is an example of what I am talking about (as if it isn’t clear enough). In the evening of June 19th, there was an earthquakein MelbourneVictoriaAustralia, of 5.5 on the Richter Scale. Even though it was the largest earthquakethere in over 100 years, 5.5 is hardly worth mentioning. Since nobody died (except maybe the guy that fell off his stool laughing), it was hardly newsworthy.

The nature of the news media is outrageous, bordering on blasphemous, in their capacity to dress up this current non-story by revisiting several old stories of earthquakes and tsunami calamitiesof deafening proportion; from the earthquake in Brazil, to the tsunamiin Indonesia, on to the Earthquake/tsunami in Japan, and even further on to other events that killed millions of people. All of these reports were pulled out of the closet once again to cause some type of reaction – a stir that “something”, an earthquake, hit Melbourne.

Where is the good news? Where are the blessings…? read more....

For More Info : Please Click Here : photographic memory

Saturday, April 6, 2019



I would love to see the expression on your face right now…

Just when you thought I was sending you another ‘bleep’ about Internet Marketing, I am giving you CRITICAL INFORMATIONabout your brain. This is all about how your mindworks!
When you learned to read, you were told that you had to give up the infantileway you had learned so well up to then. As you learn to read, you disconnect from your natural photographic (eideticmemory. But, you never lose it. You have just lost touch with it. Inadvertently, you have given up your ability to access your photographic memory.

Fortunately, all is not lost. While you have been ‘reading’ inefficiently, you have unknowingly let a MONSTERrun your subconscious in the background. This monster is exercising something that you misplaced – access to your photographic memory. This monster is also known as Subliminal Advertising.

There is a MONSTERin your closet!

Why do I refer to subliminal advertising as a monster? Most of you know the stories of how subliminal advertising started back in 1957. You must also realize the first products that used subliminals in their advertising also became the biggest names in their industries.

Most businesses today believe the only way to stay competitive in their market is to continuously pummel you with subliminal advertising. It is estimated the subliminal advertising industry does business in the 100’s of billions of dollars each year. That is more than what some countries are worth.

So, yes, I am justified in saying that subliminal advertising IS a monster, a large monster that eats holes in your wallet.

You thought you were doing nothing; just sitting there watching TV, reading magazines, and listening to your favorite music. But, you were wrong. The subliminal advertising that takes its toll on your wallet every day has actually been exercising and refreshing something very precious – your photographic memory! Subliminal advertising does the job it is meant to do because it uses the photographic memory as its medium for programming your subconsciousto do its bidding read more...

For More Info : Please Click Here : photographic memory

Saturday, March 16, 2019


What is the value of Peace of Mind?

Recently, I surveyed my clients to find out what is important to them. One of the highest aspirations was to create enough positive cash flow in their life to be comfortable, happy, and not be a burden to others – Peace of Mind. Most of them also admitted if they had a chance to market ZOX Pro Training, they would.

So I asked them why they were not marketing ZOX Pro Training to their friends, relatives, and co-workers? Their answer was mostly that they do not want to pressure the people around them. But they would happily send an email recommending they take a serious look at ZOX Pro Training to improve their quality of life, like it had in my clients’ lives.

What about Internet Marketing then? Well, that’s when things did get confusing. Most people came back with “It is too complicated”. Their impression of most internet marketers is still the classical “geek” who has a day job working in a bank or insurance company as a statistician, accountant, or someone that loves to interpolate numbers.

Well, guess what? That is the farthest thing from the truth. Most Internet Marketers are just average people, like you and me. They use basic systems to market either their products or others products. And many make reasonable to good income doing it. They have made that comfortable living and they are not burdens to others.

Likewise, there are a few very good turn-key systems out there that literally do everything for you. You may need to gain a few pieces along the way. It may take time to gain momentum. Ultimately, the idea is to build a passive income that just continues to flow. Once the flow increases, it gives you the opportunity to make other decisions that you did not have available to you in the past read more...

For More Info : Visit Here : PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY