Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Leave the Old You Behind


Another year has passed and you are still doing those rotten things you were doing last year. Don’t worry. If you did not know, less than 5% of people that make New Year Resolutionskeep them until the following year. It is virtually a liscence to cheatyourself. Time is passing you by.

Time for the New Year

 How to Make New Year Resolutions

You have heard it all before:

Eat less

Stop smoking

Exercise more

Be nice to people

…and more.

STOP already! It is the same thing each year. You make a bunch of promises that you will never keepor see through for a week, let alone seeing them through till next year.

Have you ever heard, “The path to Hell is paved with good intent.” You are not doing yourself any favors when you approach your goals half-hearted. While you were busy setting yourself up to fail, you were better off not doing anything at all. Too many people achieve failure by not knowing a few basic steps to goal setting.

These 3 principles, when followed, give yourself the fighting chance to succeed. When painting that path for the New Year, you want to achieve success.

Here are 3 basic principles with successful “goal-setting” that are seldom followed. (These are also the tips and tricksthat make your journey easier.):

What truly makes you happy?

Happinessis not found on the TV, in Magazines, or other Media. You may think otherwise. But here is one way to recognize something that actually makes you happy. It is relatively easy to achieve, and it is sustainable, without continually feeding it. These are things we tend to take for granted read more...

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