Monday, February 1, 2021

How to get a photographic memory | Alternative Education | Zox Pro

 A photographic memory is the ability to recall past events in detail as if they are happening at this moment. Most people believe it to be an exceptionally handy tool in life.

There are several photographic memory techniques that can be applied in the development of a photographic memory. Remember; when you are born you have a photographic memory, which appears to diminish as you move into adulthood.

How to develop a Photographic memory?

(The following techniques are preferred by industry experts, but they may not necessarily gain you desired results.)

After reading some information and you want to recall the facts, all you do is make a story which elucidates what you have read humorously. For instance, to retain information about the components of a computer take a mental picture of each part using a comical image.

With these images, the information is captured in your mind with all the components and their related images. A test on, “What are the parts of a PC?” is going to be quite easy because all that is needed to be remembered when writing the answers is the comical images.

(This tends to work better for visually oriented people, and having a good imagination also helps.)

Recalling of Faces…

This technique is useful when it comes to memorizing the name of an individual or their face. Go for features like the color of their hair and eyes, mouth, nose and shape of face. Then visualize their names written on their foreheads.

Recalling the faces and names of people in the mind requires a lot of practice. The more you put in into practice the more you enhance photographic memory.

(People that are not visual learners, may find this technique challenging.)


For photographic memory to be enhanced, concentration needs to be practiced. Children automatically have the superior photographic memory ability; far better than adults. The enhanced memory in children is known as “eidetic memory“, the ability to recall images, objects, sounds, even flavors, with high accuracy without the use of any memory aid device. The reason is children focus on the object of observation which makes it easier for natural recall.

How to benefit from your photographic memory :

Enrolling for training that involves your photographic memory at ZOX Pro is perhaps the most important program for anyone in any career. ZOX Pro Training has been helping people improve their lives for nearly four decades. ZOX Pro Training has trained many people around the world and is the Officially Approved training for Mental Photography.

ZOX Pro members get Benefits: good decision-making skills, efficiency, photographic memory / eidetic memory, time management skills, intuition, and focus. More information on ZOX Pro Training can be found at – the homepage.

Regaining your photographic memory as an adult can be used in a myriad of ways to accomplish your objectives and gain success.


The human brain is very intricate. In spite of all the studies that have been carried out, it is estimated that we only know less than 10% of all that there is to know about the brain. The only thing we do know is your brain is the apex for all your activities.

Your mind is something you will have throughout your entire life. Hence, you should care for it properly and keep it fit. It must last a lifetime.

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