Thursday, April 29, 2021

How can Learning Photographic Memory Change your life?

The photographic memory first starts at infancy as the eidetic memory. It is what you were born with – completely natural. Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting – it is what makes you human. You have an eidetic memory you are born with. You never lose it. Eidetic memory is the same thing as photographic memory

Your photographic memory is the holy grail of your brain development. This one thing, your photographic memory, amplifies everything you do in life; easier, faster, better. Most people who carry it forward into adult life tend to hide it, because others ask them to prove they have it.


The process of learning how to read traditionally is 180 degrees away from how your photographic memory works. A 5 year old child using their eidetic memory is a genius, until they enter traditional schooling.


How can you reactivate and recapture photographic memory?  There are few people, rebels in the school system who carry it forward and do not have to study to get straight A’s. Most people have gotten away from it – probably 95 percent of the people. I teach Mental Photography which takes in large volumes of information, gaining at a rapid speed of 25,000, 50,000, 100,000 or more words per minute.  That’s 100 to 200 times the average reading speed. 


When you read, you actually retain only 5 percent of information.  Mentally Photography – you retain 100 percent of the information in your long term memory, with the ability to recall it back.

Using the photographic memory, you gain knowledge and wisdom along with the information. You gain all those things all at the same time.  Mental Photography is Applied Quantum physics. You are using frequency of the information. 


The umbrella organization is Brain Management. The magical key with all of our training is Mental Photography, which you can gain through ZOX Pro.  By using photographic memory you gain decision making which is paramount everything you do. If you do not have a good memory you will make poor decisions. Your ability to take in a huge amount of Great info Gives you superior info to create very good decisions. Using photographic memory is the key to success in life.  


In ZOX Pro Training, everything works together in a synergic system. Each individual exercise has a set value. All of the exercises, together along with Mental Photography, compound themselves to get results. You are going to get results quicker and easier, and more eventful insights to gain from your lessons. 


The eye chart is one of our exercises – rather innocuous and boring. It expands your peripheral vision to 230 degrees (without glasses) to 180 degrees with glasses. You get tunnel vision looking at a computer or TV. Start experiencing the world around you. Get away from watching TV, and expand your peripheral vision. This has a boomerang effect on your mental system. This kinesthetic event expands your perception 7 to 10 times. Perception of the world around you will change. It is time to see the truth. People have the wool pulled over their eyes. You can control this.


Martial artists take many steps to open peripheral vision because not only do they physically gain perception around them they expand peripheral vision 360 degrees to complete awareness. This is especially important to firemen, police, military, and other emergency workers. They need to learn this. 


When it comes to awareness and perception… This also leads to your ability to nullify subliminal messages which come to us thousands of times per day as subliminal advertising; again, using ZOX Pro will give you the ability to detect the truth – a truth detector. You can eliminate subliminal coercion and begin to see the real world that has always been there. You become an independent thinker.


Watch the episode here:

Thursday, April 15, 2021

What are More Benefits of Learning Photographic Memory?

Learning how to access your photographic memory is a game changer. There are many benefits. I was able to change my life due to learning this method. You can stop information overload, create career mobility, and have a better life.

You can stop information overload.  Whenever you use your photographic memory you develop your brain, you naturally form more physical memory. Along with that, you manage and can segregate the information. You can get more out of it. When you use your memory properly, you are no longer bogged down by information. You were born with a photographic memory but you do not know how to regulate it. 

By exercising your photographic memory, you can decrease your stress. The reason is you use your natural memory to directly help with time management. This means you can stop information overload and decrease stress by 50 to 80 percent every day, and have a better day. Stress directly relates to your health, whenever you feel stress it suppresses your immune system. Your body does not function well, and you are more likely to get ill. 

With the photographic memory you gain quality information. Let’s say you are climbing the ladder to success. Certain types of information allow you to quickly focus on achieving the ability to accumulate better information, climbing the ladder more quickly. You have to believe in yourself to do it. 

You can have a better life when you use your photographic memory. In addition, with having the photographic memory, you will be able to free up more time for yourself because you are able to get the job done quicker and easier. This opens up more personal time.

I have more interests than 10 other people. I really enjoy life because I know how to use my photographic memory.

Monday, April 5, 2021

What are the benefits of learning photographic memory?

I teach Mental Photography, which uses the photographic memory. You are born with it, and you keep it rest of your life. When you use Mental Photography you retain 100 percent of the information in your long term memory, for life. 

Whenever you have a better vocabulary, it tells people how smart you are. You will be noticed by your peers. You can upgrade your vocabulary at any time. It’s a key indicator on IQ tests. The better your vocabulary, the more likely you will score higher.

If you are using conventional reading to gain information, you first accumulate information, which may be useful. As you accumulate more, you fill in the gap, which becomes knowledge. Only with active experience applying the knowledge do you finally gain the wisdom. These steps usually take considerable time.

Whenever you use Mental Photography, you assimilate information at 25,000, 50,000, 100,000 or more words per minute. Due to the rate of information going to the long term memory directly, you are gain all three; information, knowledge, and wisdom at the same time. This is very different from conventional reading. You are using a different brain function.

Our life hinges on the decisions we make. With Mental photography you will make better decisions for your life. It all depends on the vocabulary, knowledge and wisdom you know. With Mental Photography you will make the best decisions. There is a world of benefits I will discuss in the next blog.