Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Life Lessons, Pain and Success 

The pursuit of happiness… 

Learn from your experiences

You have no doubt heard or read this phrase, and without a doubt, it is good advice. But you can learn from the lessons from others and avoid the pain that they suffered to obtain their first-hand wisdom.

Pain: Life’s Great Teacher

Whether your pain is physical, health, stress, spiritual or financial – find the pain, discover the lesson. Then, and only then, will The Secret Law of Attraction work in your favor.In fact, until you learn the lesson your life circumstances or your body are trying to tell you, you will experience the same pain again and again.

What We Have Given Up – the True Gauge of Success

Consider this quote:  “Success is NOT gauged on what you have gained, but by what you have given up.”  Someone who bases success on what he or she has given up to attain a particular position likely considers life as a series of losses or concessions – and not very much fun. By contrast, someone who has enjoyed his or her life’s journey views success much more positively.

Perseverance Is the Key

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You learn from your pain and experiences exactly the same way. Slowly but surely, and stronger and more knowledgeable than when you started – you will reach your ultimate goals.  Along the way, you should consider the following questions:

  • What is your success strategy?
  • Are you truly committed to achieving success?
  • Are you determined to reach your goal – no matter what?
  • Will you persevere through adversity?
  • Are your willpower and focus sufficient to see you through to the end?

Make no mistake, perseverance, stamina and commitment will allow you to achieve your ultimate goals. Even the most perfect plan is doomed to failure if you have no stamina. But a strong balance of the other qualities can compensate for the shortfalls of a less than perfect plan.  Using Brain Management  along with The Secret Law of Attraction will increase your subconscious mind power along with your stamina – making a phenomenal contribution to the global consciousness read more...

Get More Info : Visit Here : Photographic memory course

Tuesday, October 6, 2020



Photographic Memory is also known as “Eidetic Memory.”

So just what IS photographic memory? It’s a secret you’ve had since before you were born! If you still don’t understand, look to your children.  They will show you the way.

The infant brain develops even in the womb. Experts say you should read to your children as soon as they are born for quality stimulation of their natural learning abilities. As a child ages through that first crucial year of life, they are learning how to learn. The more stimulation – the more learning capacity the child will have.

Some people with photographic memory retain their photographic memory into adulthood. If you aren’t one of those people, why not? The answer will SHOCK you.  Are you ready?

Learning Begets Learning

One word. Reading. You see, we never lose our photographic memory. But many of us lose the ability to USE it, or more accurately, we lose access to it. You learned amazing things as a small child – languages, social skills, etc.

THEN, you went to school to learn a superior way to learn – or so we’re told.  Statistics show that once we enter school and become entrenched in the rote-memory system of learning; learning slows from that point on.

Your Inner Child Genius

The truth is, you were force fed learning to read, or you were ostracized. Some of those renegades who endured being ostracized are the same ones who have retained their photographic memories as adults.

Reading is  a brain function that encourages tunnel vision, which is directly opposed to your natural ability to access and use your photographic memory.

But with Mental Photography you can learn how to access your photographic memory and how to develop a photographic memory fast, and regain the genius you had as a child. By exercising your brain this way, you may see other things start to happen – and you don’t have to give up reading, either!

Get More Info : Click Here Photographic memory training

Friday, August 21, 2020


 Free Your SpiritMental Photography Gives You Wings

Surprise! Your Spirituality has gone missing. Not really; you have just been neglecting it. It is time to pay more attention to something that is very important to your well being – your spirit. Later, I will show you the unique, much sought after tasks that Mental Photography performs within your brain, building you a better, resilient brain, and making your success with Spirituality much easier.

What is Spirituality?

You can read the definition of spirituality, and you still know nothing about it. Spirituality is something you must meditate on, and immerse yourself into from time to time. It is a relationship – a bond between you and the rest of the Universe – your connection to God. This connection must be nurtured and fed with good vibration and energy. It connects you to this world, and the natural God-given talents you have. You are always connected to some degree. But the connection must be strengthened to get the most out of life.

If you asked 100 different people what spirituality means to them, you will likely have 100 different answers. It is a relationship that must be nurtured and developed over time. It can only be developed and strengthened by you. Nobody else can do it for you. One of the best ways to gain direct access for developing your spirituality is through meditation read more...

Get More Info : Visit Website Here : Training Photographic Memory

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Consciousness is Self-Awareness: An Exercise in Self-Discovery

Consciousness is Self-Awareness is an Exercise in Self-Discovery by Dr Shannon Panzo. It is a thought-provoking exercise based around consciousness, a hotly debated subject that generates more questions than answers. Dr Panzo's enigmatic style supports infinite learning the universe has for each of us, because life was not meant to be orderly, it is more like a collection of random events we consider and learn from.
Buy Now : Visit Here : https://www.amazon.com/dp/0648784800
Price : $ 14.95
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Email: shannonmindtomind@gmail.com
Address: Sedgwick, Victoria, Australia, 3551


There is one certainty that each of us should look to when building Brain Power and using Mind Over Matter to solve our problems. We should look to those less fortunate. People just like you and me. People that find themselves in circumstances they never conceived would happen to them. People that never thought they would need to steel themselves against adversity to the level that some are forced to endure.
The immensity of the human spirit is immeasurable in the worst of times. Look to these people as a point of reference for overcoming adversity – a guiding light. Their lessons can be your guide.
In the wake of the Victoria Fires, it gave me the opportunity to look deep – to appreciate who and what I have around me. No matter what I may be dealing with at any given time, can compare to what others may be going through.
People that have taken the opportunity in their lives to develop their mental strength and abilities are also taking steps to prepare themselves against the hard times. Everyone has them, but when you have developed device to see yourself through to the other side of the hurdles, it makes the preparation very worthwhile.
Recently, someone suggested that I do some writing about the fires, the death, anguish, and heroism emerging like the rising phoenix when the fires hit Victoria Australia. I attempted to look at this as a topic of my writing, but I write from my heart and the truth. Since I had not been directly affected by the fires, I decided not to write about others experiences. I will leave that to the media. What I have decided to write about is my observations, and how I have used this opportunity to count my blessings read more...
Get More Info : Visit Here Photographic memory training

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Problem with Problems, or Learning to Deal With Problems

Everyone has problems. If you don’t have any problems, you are most likely dead or delusional.
Problems are like loose change. You find them ‘around’ you. You find it in your sofa or chair, on the floor of your car, on the dressing table. There is usually not enough value yet to really pay attention to unless it really starts building up. (This is also how most people look at problems. They are ignored until they get big enough.) After you accumulate enough in one place, you need to do something with it.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Bank…
I have had banks want to charge me for recounting, even weigh-counting my change before they change it, or even deposit it. I have signed release forms for coins I have packaged prior to taking them in. I have had stores refuse payment for goods if I was attempting to clear my change by buying my groceries with it. (The most amusing excuse given was the checkout attendant was not going to spend time counting it, even though I was the only person in the store.) And I was taught that “money IS money”. I guess ‘change’ is no longer considered money.
The reason I am telling you such a silly, but true, story is to show you how problems can be created around you without you even being aware of them. And yes, we attract our problems to us. So, what was my lesson from this? Don’t let my change build up; spend it when I get it. Not frivolously, just give the teller close to the right amount as you can. Look at it as a small mental exercise each time you do it. WOW! Problem solved!
What about the problems that are created right in front of you? What you need is the equivalent to the “Get Out of Jail FREE” Card. You need Solutions. Sometimes you can even buy a solution, but that may cause other problems read more...
Please take a moment to visit www.zoxpro.com
Get More Info : Visit Here : Photographic memory training

Monday, June 22, 2020

The 10 Top Strategies for Marketing Your Business

A Business Marketing Exercise
Recently I was asked, what make your product different from other products in the market? The question was asked by a promoter wanting to promote our seminar using the top 10 things that make it different. This made me stop and think. This was something I had not assessed for some time. It would be a valuable exercise for me. It is basic marketing, and if you have a business, you should revisit this periodically with your business. Once I got started, I came up with even more than 10 things. That’s great!
This is an excellent exercise for any business that wants to market what is has to offer. List THE attributes about your business or its products. Start with a short list of key things – an outline. These attributes should be what makes your product stand out in the market. It could be unique properties. It could be a better design. Or, it could be the combination of attributes together defining the uniqueness above the competition.
If you have No Other Quality – Sell Yourself!
If you cannot think of anything that makes your business or it’s products special, then you need to look elsewhere to build your list. First, SELL YOURSELF. If your business has nothing different to offer, then offer yourself. Who are you? Why would you be better for someone to deal with than someone else?
We have a local plumber that projects himself that he is ‘sexy’. Why? Because plumbing is NOT sexy, it isn’t even slightly attractive. So, he sells himself as the ‘sexy’ plumber. It sets him apart from other plumbers. (We don’t know if they are ‘sexy’, because they don’t tell us.) Don’t worry, he most likely charges like all the other plumbers – lots.
Now, if you can’t think of any way that you can sell your business attributes, your product attributes, or yourself, you need to start asking yourself, “Why am I in business?” The good thing is that you haven’t run out of options of what you can pull attributes from. How about relatives or friends read more...
Please take a moment to visit www.mindtomind.com
Get More Info : Visit Here : Photographic memory training