Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Brain Game – Choice! What if I handed you a pot full of gems?

What if I handed you a pot full of gems? Choose 1

Brain Game


Put on your thinking cap! It is time to exercise your grey matteragain. By the way, that does actually mean I am talking about your brain, how does the brain work. I don’t want you to think that I am patronizing you. I just like to let you know what I am talking about before I lose your attention.

Another for instance is telling you about “yellow cake”. And since this reference to yellow cake would be uranium ore, then it would NOT be something you would want to eat. (This type of conversation is what you may hear from Sheldonon the TV ShowBig Bang Theory.)

Now that I have confused you as to where this is leading, let’s get on with our brain gameand know the brain and its functions.

The Brain Game:

I hand you a pot of gems. The gems are of all sizes, shapes and colors. I even tell you that one of the gems is a 3 carat diamond. But the objective is for you to pick which gem is worth the most. If you do not pick the one that is worth the most, then you lose and you must place the gemyou have selected back into the pot.

You have been given 8 hours to study books on all the different ways to grade and value gems. Any instruction manualson the equipment is available as well. Gemmologistswill tell you it takes a lot of experience to know what you are looking at.

I have made this most addictive game a little more confusing, because you have over 1000 gems to select from. I have even put a few duds in there, such as a 3 caratsized cubic zirconium. Even if you go by the standard types of valuing, you cannot accommodate all the alternatives. You can start with color, clarity, carat weight, etc. Pink diamonds are in vogue at the moment, soon to be replaced by another color. So a small pink diamond can be worth a lot more than a 3 carat white diamond (I don’t want to go down the track of the different cuts for the same stone. I want to keep this somewhat sain.)

You will be provided all the tools required and a table to sort them on. You will have all of the gemmologist’s tools to determine their worth. There is one catch. You have only 1 hour to make your selection. Therefore, you will either know it or you won’t. I could give a person 8 hours to make a decision. If they did not know what they were doing, it would still only be a guess read more...

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Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Leave the Old You Behind


Another year has passed and you are still doing those rotten things you were doing last year. Don’t worry. If you did not know, less than 5% of people that make New Year Resolutionskeep them until the following year. It is virtually a liscence to cheatyourself. Time is passing you by.

Time for the New Year

 How to Make New Year Resolutions

You have heard it all before:

Eat less

Stop smoking

Exercise more

Be nice to people

…and more.

STOP already! It is the same thing each year. You make a bunch of promises that you will never keepor see through for a week, let alone seeing them through till next year.

Have you ever heard, “The path to Hell is paved with good intent.” You are not doing yourself any favors when you approach your goals half-hearted. While you were busy setting yourself up to fail, you were better off not doing anything at all. Too many people achieve failure by not knowing a few basic steps to goal setting.

These 3 principles, when followed, give yourself the fighting chance to succeed. When painting that path for the New Year, you want to achieve success.

Here are 3 basic principles with successful “goal-setting” that are seldom followed. (These are also the tips and tricksthat make your journey easier.):

What truly makes you happy?

Happinessis not found on the TV, in Magazines, or other Media. You may think otherwise. But here is one way to recognize something that actually makes you happy. It is relatively easy to achieve, and it is sustainable, without continually feeding it. These are things we tend to take for granted read more...

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